"sourcesContent":["/*\n * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional\n * information regarding copyright ownership.\n *\n * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it\n * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of\n * the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU\n * Lesser General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public\n * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free\n * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA\n * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.\n */\n\n\ndefine('xwiki-livedata', [\n  \"vue\",\n  \"vue-i18n\",\n  \"xwiki-livedata-vue\",\n  \"xwiki-livedata-source\",\n  \"xwiki-json-merge\",\n  \"edit-bus\",\n  \"xwiki-livedata-polyfills\"\n], function(\n  Vue,\n  VueI18n,\n  XWikiLivedata,\n  liveDataSourceModule,\n  jsonMerge,\n  editBus\n) {\n  /**\n   * Make vue use the i18n plugin\n   */\n  Vue.use(VueI18n);\n\n\n  /**\n   * Map the element to its data object\n   * So that each instance of the livedata on the page handle there own data\n   */\n  const instancesMap = new WeakMap();\n\n\n\n  /**\n   * The init function of the logic script\n   * For each livedata element on the page, returns its corresponding data / API\n   * If the data does not exists yet, create it from the element\n   * @param {HTMLElement} element The HTML Element corresponding to the Livedata component\n   */\n  const init = function (element) {\n\n    if (!instancesMap.has(element)) {\n      // create a new logic object associated to the element\n      const logic = new Logic(element);\n      instancesMap.set(element, logic);\n    }\n\n    return instancesMap.get(element);\n  };\n\n  /**\n   * A service providing footnotes related operations. \n   */\n  class FootnotesService {\n    constructor() {\n      this._footnotes = [];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Register a new footnote. If a footnote with the same translationKey is already registered this method has no\n     * effect on the list of registered footnotes.\n     * @param symbol the symbol to identify the entries related to the footnote \n     * @param translationKey the translation key of the footnote text \n     */\n    put(symbol, translationKey) {\n      if (!this._footnotes.some(footnote => footnote.translationKey === translationKey)) {\n        this._footnotes.push({symbol, translationKey});\n      }\n    }\n    \n    reset() {\n      this._footnotes.splice(0);\n    }\n    \n    list() {\n      return this._footnotes;\n    }\n  }\n\n  // Initializes a promise to be resolved once the translations loading is done.\n  var translationsLoadedResolve;\n  const translationsLoaded = new Promise((resolve) => {\n    translationsLoadedResolve = resolve;\n  });\n\n  /**\n   * Class for a logic element\n   * Contains the Livedata data object and methods to mutate it\n   * Can be used in the layouts to display the data, and call its API\n   * @param {HTMLElement} element The HTML Element corresponding to the Livedata\n   */\n  const Logic = function (element) {\n    // Make sure to have one Live Data source instance per Live Data instance. \n    this.liveDataSource = liveDataSourceModule.init();\n    this.element = element;\n    this.data = JSON.parse(element.getAttribute(\"data-config\") || \"{}\");\n    this.contentTrusted = element.getAttribute(\"data-config-content-trusted\") === \"true\"; \n    this.data.entries = Object.freeze(this.data.entries);\n\n    // Reactive properties must be initialized before Vue is instantiated.\n    this.firstEntriesLoading = true;\n    this.currentLayoutId = \"\";\n    this.changeLayout(this.data.meta.defaultLayout);\n    this.entrySelection = {\n      selected: [],\n      deselected: [],\n      isGlobal: false,\n    };\n    this.openedPanels = [];\n    this.footnotes = new FootnotesService();\n    this.panels = [];\n\n    element.removeAttribute(\"data-config\");\n\n    const locale = document.documentElement.getAttribute('lang');\n\n    const i18n = new VueI18n({\n      locale: locale,\n      messages: {},\n      silentFallbackWarn: true,\n    });\n\n    // Vue.js replaces the container - prevent this by creating a placeholder for Vue.js to replace.\n    const placeholderElement = document.createElement('div');\n    this.element.appendChild(placeholderElement);\n\n    // create Vuejs instance\n    const vue = new Vue({\n      el: placeholderElement,\n      components: {\n        \"XWikiLivedata\": XWikiLivedata,\n      },\n      template: \"<XWikiLivedata :logic='logic'/>\",\n      i18n: i18n,\n      data: {\n        logic: this\n      },\n      mounted()\n      {\n        element.classList.remove('loading');\n        // Trigger the \"instanceCreated\" event on the next tick to ensure that the constructor has returned and thus\n        // all references to the logic instance have been initialized.\n        this.$nextTick(function () {\n          this.logic.triggerEvent('instanceCreated', {});\n        });\n      }\n    });\n\n    // Fetch the data if we don't have any. This call must be made just after the main Vue component is initialized as \n    // LivedataPersistentConfiguration must be mounted for the persisted filters to be loaded and applied when fetching \n    // the entries.\n    // We use a dedicated field (firstEntriesLoading) for the first load as the fetch start/end events can be triggered \n    // before the loader components is loaded (and in this case the loader is never hidden even once the entries are\n    // displayed).\n    if (!this.data.data.entries.length) {\n      this.updateEntries()\n        // Mark the loader as finished, even if it fails as the loader should stop and a message be displayed to the \n        // user in this case.\n        .finally(() => this.firstEntriesLoading = false);\n    } else {\n      this.firstEntriesLoading = false;\n    }\n\n    this.setEditBus(editBus.init(this));\n\n    /**\n     * Load given translations from the server\n     *\n     * @param {object} parameters\n     * @param {string} componentName The name component who needs the translations\n     * Used to avoid loading the same translations several times\n     * @param {string} prefix The translation keys prefix\n     * @param {string[]} keys\n     */\n    this.loadTranslations = async function ({ componentName, prefix, keys }) {\n      // If translations were already loaded, return.\n      if (this.loadTranslations[componentName]) return;\n      this.loadTranslations[componentName] = true;\n      // Fetch translation and load them.\n      try {\n        const translations = await this.liveDataSource.getTranslations(locale, prefix, keys);\n        i18n.mergeLocaleMessage(locale, translations)\n      } catch (error) {\n        console.error(error);\n      }\n    }\n\n    // Load needed translations for the Livedata\n    const translationsPromise = this.loadTranslations({\n      prefix: \"livedata.\",\n      keys: [\n        \"dropdownMenu.title\",\n        \"dropdownMenu.actions\",\n        \"dropdownMenu.layouts\",\n        \"dropdownMenu.panels\",\n        \"dropdownMenu.panels.properties\",\n        \"dropdownMenu.panels.sort\",\n        \"dropdownMenu.panels.filter\",\n        \"selection.selectInAllPages\",\n        \"selection.infoBar.selectedCount\",\n        \"selection.infoBar.allSelected\",\n        \"selection.infoBar.allSelectedBut\",\n        \"pagination.label\",\n        \"pagination.label.empty\",\n        \"pagination.currentEntries\",\n        \"pagination.pageSize\",\n        \"pagination.selectPageSize\",\n        \"pagination.page\",\n        \"pagination.first\",\n        \"pagination.previous\",\n        \"pagination.next\",\n        \"pagination.last\",\n        \"action.refresh\",\n        \"action.addEntry\",\n        \"action.reorder.hint\",\n        \"action.resizeColumn.hint\",\n        \"panel.filter.title\",\n        \"panel.filter.noneFilterable\",\n        \"panel.filter.addConstraint\",\n        \"panel.filter.addProperty\",\n        \"panel.filter.delete\",\n        \"panel.filter.deleteAll\",\n        \"panel.properties.title\",\n        \"panel.sort.title\",\n        \"panel.sort.noneSortable\",\n        \"panel.sort.direction.ascending\",\n        \"panel.sort.direction.descending\",\n        \"panel.sort.add\",\n        \"panel.sort.delete\",\n        \"displayer.emptyValue\",\n        \"displayer.link.noValue\",\n        \"displayer.boolean.true\",\n        \"displayer.boolean.false\",\n        \"displayer.xObjectProperty.missingDocumentName.errorMessage\",\n        \"displayer.xObjectProperty.failedToRetrieveField.errorMessage\",\n        \"displayer.actions.edit\",\n        \"displayer.actions.followLink\",\n        \"filter.boolean.label\",\n        \"filter.date.label\",\n        \"filter.list.label\",\n        \"filter.list.emptyLabel\",\n        \"filter.number.label\",\n        \"filter.text.label\",\n        \"footnotes.computedTitle\",\n        \"footnotes.propertyNotViewable\",\n        \"bottombar.noEntries\",\n        \"error.updateEntriesFailed\"\n      ],\n    }).then(() => {\n      translationsLoadedResolve(true);\n    });\n\n    // Return a translation only once the translations have been loaded from the server.\n    this.translate = async (key, ...args) => {\n      // Make sure that the translations are loaded from the server before translating.\n      await translationsPromise;\n      return vue.$t(key, args);\n    }\n    \n    // Waits for the translations to be loaded before continuing.\n    this.translationsLoaded = async() => {\n      await translationsPromise;\n    }\n\n    // Registers panels once the translations have been loadded as they are otherwise hard to update.\n    this.translationsLoaded().finally(() => {\n      this.registerPanel({\n        id: 'propertiesPanel',\n        title: vue.$t('livedata.panel.properties.title'),\n        name: vue.$t('livedata.dropdownMenu.panels.properties'),\n        icon: 'list-bullets',\n        component: 'LivedataAdvancedPanelProperties',\n        order: 1000\n      });\n      this.registerPanel({\n        id: 'sortPanel',\n        title: vue.$t('livedata.panel.sort.title'),\n        name: vue.$t('livedata.dropdownMenu.panels.sort'),\n        icon: 'table_sort',\n        component: 'LivedataAdvancedPanelSort',\n        order: 2000\n      });\n      this.registerPanel({\n        id: 'filterPanel',\n        title: vue.$t('livedata.panel.filter.title'),\n        name: vue.$t('livedata.dropdownMenu.panels.filter'),\n        icon: 'filter',\n        component: 'LivedataAdvancedPanelFilter',\n        order: 3000\n      });\n    });\n  };\n\n\n\n\n  /**\n   * THE LOGIC API\n   */\n  Logic.prototype = {\n\n\n    /**\n     * ---------------------------------------------------------------\n     * EVENTS\n     */\n\n\n    /**\n     * Send custom events\n     * @param {String} eventName The name of the event, without the prefix \"xwiki:livedata\"\n     * @param {Object} eventData The data associated with the event.\n     *  The livedata object reference is automatically added\n     */\n    triggerEvent (eventName, eventData) {\n      // configure event\n      const defaultData = {\n        livedata: this,\n      };\n      eventName = \"xwiki:livedata:\" + eventName;\n      eventData = {\n        bubbles: true,\n        detail: Object.assign(defaultData, eventData),\n      };\n      const event = new CustomEvent(eventName, eventData);\n      // dispatch event\n      this.element.dispatchEvent(event);\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Listen for custom events\n     * @param {String} eventName The name of the event, without the prefix \"xwiki:livedata\"\n     * @param {Function} callback Function to call we the event is triggered: e => { ... }\n     */\n    onEvent (eventName, callback) {\n      eventName = \"xwiki:livedata:\" + eventName;\n      this.element.addEventListener(eventName, function (e) {\n        callback(e);\n      });\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Listen for custom events, mathching certain conditions\n     * @param {String} eventName The name of the event, without the prefix \"xwiki:livedata\"\n     * @param {Object|Function} condition The condition to execute the callback\n     *  if Object, values of object properties must match e.detail properties values\n     *  if Function, the function must return true. e.detail is passed as argument\n     * @param {Function} callback Function to call we the event is triggered: e => { ... }\n     */\n    onEventWhere (eventName, condition, callback) {\n      eventName = \"xwiki:livedata:\" + eventName;\n      this.element.addEventListener(eventName, function (e) {\n        // Object check\n        if (typeof condition === \"object\") {\n          const isDetailMatching = (data, detail) => Object.keys(data).every(key => {\n            return typeof data[key] === \"object\"\n              ? isDetailMatching(data[key], detail?.[key])\n              : Object.is(data[key], detail?.[key]);\n          });\n          if (!isDetailMatching(condition, e.detail)) { return; }\n        }\n        // Function check\n        if (typeof condition === \"function\") {\n          if (!condition(e.detail)) { return; }\n        }\n        // call callback\n        callback(e);\n      });\n    },\n\n\n\n\n    /**\n     * ---------------------------------------------------------------\n     * UTILS\n     */\n\n\n    /**\n     * Return the list of layout ids\n     * @returns {Array}\n     */\n    getLayoutIds () {\n      return this.data.meta.layouts.map(layoutDescriptor => layoutDescriptor.id);\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Return the id of the given entry\n     * @param {Object} entry\n     * @returns {String}\n     */\n    getEntryId (entry) {\n      const idProperty = this.data.meta.entryDescriptor.idProperty || \"id\";\n      if (entry[idProperty] === undefined) {\n        console.warn(\"Entry has no id (at property [\" + idProperty + \"]\", entry);\n        return;\n      }\n      return entry[idProperty];\n    },\n\n    /*\n      As Sets are not reactive in Vue 2.x, if we want to create\n      a reactive collection of unique objects, we have to use arrays.\n      So here are some handy functions to do what Sets do, but with arrays\n    */\n\n    /**\n     * Return whether the array has the given item\n     * @param {Array} uniqueArray An array of unique items\n     * @param {Any} item\n     */\n    uniqueArrayHas (uniqueArray, item) {\n      return uniqueArray.includes(item);\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Add the given item if not present in the array, or does nothing\n     * @param {Array} uniqueArray An array of unique items\n     * @param {Any} item\n     */\n    uniqueArrayAdd (uniqueArray, item) {\n      if (this.uniqueArrayHas(uniqueArray, item)) { return; }\n      uniqueArray.push(item);\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Remove the given item from the array if present, or does nothing\n     * @param {Array} uniqueArray An array of unique items\n     * @param {Any} item\n     */\n    uniqueArrayRemove (uniqueArray, item) {\n      const index = uniqueArray.indexOf(item);\n      if (index === -1) { return; }\n      uniqueArray.splice(index, 1);\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Toggle the given item from the array, ensuring its uniqueness\n     * @param {Array} uniqueArray An array of unique items\n     * @param {Any} item\n     * @param {Boolean} force Optional: true force add / false force remove\n     */\n    uniqueArrayToggle (uniqueArray, item, force) {\n      if (force === undefined) {\n        force = !this.uniqueArrayHas(uniqueArray, item);\n      }\n      if (force) {\n        this.uniqueArrayAdd(uniqueArray, item);\n      } else {\n        this.uniqueArrayRemove(uniqueArray, item);\n      }\n    },\n\n\n\n\n    /**\n     * ---------------------------------------------------------------\n     * DESCRIPTORS\n     */\n\n\n    /**\n     * Returns the property descriptors of displayable properties\n     * @returns {Array}\n     */\n    getPropertyDescriptors () {\n      return this.data.query.properties.map(propertyId => this.getPropertyDescriptor(propertyId));\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Return the property descriptor corresponding to a property id\n     * @param {String} propertyId\n     * @returns {Object}\n     */\n    getPropertyDescriptor (propertyId) {\n      const propertyDescriptor = this.data.meta.propertyDescriptors\n        .find(propertyDescriptor => propertyDescriptor.id === propertyId);\n      if (!propertyDescriptor) {\n        console.error(\"Property descriptor of property `\" + propertyId + \"` does not exists\");\n      }\n      return propertyDescriptor;\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Return the property type descriptor corresponding to a property id\n     * @param {String} propertyId\n     * @returns {Object}\n     */\n    getPropertyTypeDescriptor (propertyId) {\n      const propertyDescriptor = this.getPropertyDescriptor(propertyId);\n      if (!propertyDescriptor) { return; }\n      return this.data.meta.propertyTypes\n        .find(typeDescriptor => typeDescriptor.id === propertyDescriptor.type);\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Return the layout descriptor corresponding to a layout id\n     * @param {String} propertyId\n     * @returns {Object}\n     */\n    getLayoutDescriptor (layoutId) {\n      return this.data.meta.layouts\n        .find(layoutDescriptor => layoutDescriptor.id === layoutId);\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Get the displayer descriptor associated to a property id\n     * @param {String} propertyId\n     * @returns {Object}\n     */\n    getDisplayerDescriptor (propertyId) {\n      // Property descriptor config\n      const propertyDescriptor = this.getPropertyDescriptor(propertyId);\n      // Property type descriptor config\n      const typeDescriptor = this.getPropertyTypeDescriptor(propertyId);\n      // Merge the property and type displayer descriptors.\n      const customDisplayerDescriptor = jsonMerge({}, typeDescriptor?.displayer, propertyDescriptor?.displayer);\n      // Get the default displayer descriptor.\n      const displayerId = customDisplayerDescriptor.id || this.data.meta.defaultDisplayer;\n      const defaultDisplayerDescriptor = this.data.meta.displayers.find(displayer => displayer.id === displayerId);\n      // Merge displayer descriptors.\n      return jsonMerge({}, defaultDisplayerDescriptor, customDisplayerDescriptor);\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Get the filter descriptor associated to a property id\n     * @param {String} propertyId\n     * @returns {Object}\n     */\n    getFilterDescriptor(propertyId) {\n      // Property descriptor config\n      const propertyDescriptor = this.getPropertyDescriptor(propertyId);\n      // Property type descriptor config\n      const typeDescriptor = this.getPropertyTypeDescriptor(propertyId);\n      // Merge the property and type filter descriptors.\n      const customFilterDescriptor = jsonMerge({}, typeDescriptor?.filter, propertyDescriptor?.filter);\n      // Get the default filter descriptor.\n      const filterId = customFilterDescriptor.id || this.data.meta.defaultFilter;\n      const defaultFilterDescriptor = this.data.meta.filters.find(filter => filter.id === filterId);\n      // Merge filter descriptors.\n      return jsonMerge({}, defaultFilterDescriptor, customFilterDescriptor);\n    },\n\n\n\n\n    /**\n     * ---------------------------------------------------------------\n     * LAYOUT\n     */\n\n\n    /**\n     * Fetch the entries of the current page according to the query configuration.\n     * @returns the fetched entries\n     */\n    fetchEntries() {\n      // Before fetch event\n      this.triggerEvent(\"beforeEntryFetch\");\n      // Fetch entries from data source\n      return this.liveDataSource.getEntries(this.data.query)\n        .then(data => {\n          // After fetch event\n          return data\n        })\n        .finally(() => this.triggerEvent(\"afterEntryFetch\"));\n    },\n\n\n    updateEntries () {\n      return this.fetchEntries()\n        .then(data => {\n          this.data.data = Object.freeze(data);\n          Vue.nextTick(() => this.triggerEvent('entriesUpdated', {}));\n          // Remove the outdated footnotes, they will be recomputed by the new entries.\n          this.footnotes.reset()\n        })\n        .catch(err => {\n          // Prevent undesired notifications of the end user for non business related errors (for instance, the user\n          // left the page before the request was completed).\n          // See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/readyState\n          if (err.readyState === 4) {\n            this.translate('livedata.error.updateEntriesFailed')\n              .then(value => new XWiki.widgets.Notification(value, 'error'));\n          }\n          \n          // Do not log if the request has been aborted (e.g., because a second request was started for the same LD with\n          // new criteria).\n          if(err.statusText !== 'abort') {\n            console.error('Failed to fetch the entries', err);\n          }\n        });\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Return whether the Livedata is editable or not\n     * if entry given, return whether it is editable\n     * if property given, return whether it is editable (for any entries)\n     * If entry and property given, return whether specific value is editable\n     * @param {Object} [parameters]\n     * @param {Object} [parameters.entry] The entry object\n     * @param {Number} [parameters.propertyId] The property id of the entry\n     */\n    isEditable ({ entry, propertyId } = {}) {\n      // TODO: Ensure entry is valid (need other current PR)\n      // TODO: Ensure property is valid (need other current PR)\n\n      // Check if the edit entry action is available.\n      if (!this.data.meta.actions.find(action => action.id === \"edit\")) {\n        return false;\n      }\n\n      // Check if we are allowed to edit the given entry.\n      if (entry && !this.isEntryEditable(entry)) {\n        return false;\n      }\n\n      // Check if the specified property is editable.\n      return !propertyId || this.isPropertyEditable(propertyId);\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Returns whether the given entry is editable or not.\n     *\n     * @param {Object} entry\n     * @returns {Boolean}\n     */\n    isEntryEditable (entry) {\n      return this.isActionAllowed('edit', entry);\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Returns whether a certain property is editable or not.\n     *\n     * @param {String} propertyId\n     * @returns {Boolean}\n     */\n    isPropertyEditable (propertyId) {\n      const propertyDescriptor = this.getPropertyDescriptor(propertyId);\n      const propertyTypeDescriptor = this.getPropertyTypeDescriptor(propertyId);\n      return propertyDescriptor && (propertyDescriptor.editable !== undefined ? propertyDescriptor.editable :\n        (propertyTypeDescriptor && propertyTypeDescriptor.editable));\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Set the value of the given entry property\n     * @param {Object} parameters\n     * @param {Object} parameters.entry The entry we want to modify\n     * @param {number} parameters.propertyId The property id we want to modify in the entry\n     * @param {string} parameters.value The new value of entry property\n     */\n    setValue({entry, propertyId, value}) {\n      // TODO: Ensure entry is valid (need other current PR)\n      // TODO: Ensure property is valid (need other current PR)\n      if (!this.isEditable({entry, propertyId})) {\n        return;\n      }\n      entry[propertyId] = value;\n      const source = this.data.query.source;\n      const entryId = this.getEntryId(entry);\n      // Once the entry updated, reload the whole livedata because changing a single entry can have an impact on other \n      // properties of the entry, but also possibly on other entriers, or in the way they are sorted.\n      this.liveDataSource.updateEntryProperty(source, entryId, propertyId, entry[propertyId])\n        .then(() => this.updateEntries());\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Update the entry with the values object passed in parameter and s\n     * @param {Object} entry the current entry\n     * @param {Object} values the entry's values to update\n     */\n    setValues({entryId, values}) {\n      const source = this.data.query.source;\n      return this.liveDataSource.updateEntry(source, entryId, values)\n        .then(() => this.updateEntries());\n\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Return whether adding new entries is enabled.\n     */\n    canAddEntry () {\n      // Check if the add entry action is available.\n      return this.data.meta.actions.find(action => action.id === \"addEntry\");\n    },\n\n    addEntry () {\n      if (!this.canAddEntry()) { return; }\n      const mockNewUrl = () => this.getEntryId(this.data.data.entries.slice(-1)[0]) + \"0\";\n      // TODO: CALL FUNCTION TO CREATE NEW DATA HERE\n      Promise.resolve({ /* MOCK DATA */\n        \"doc_url\": mockNewUrl(),\n        \"doc_name\": undefined,\n        \"doc_date\": \"1585311660000\",\n        \"doc_title\": undefined,\n        \"doc_author\": \"Author 1\",\n        \"doc_creationDate\": \"1585311660000\",\n        \"doc_creator\": \"Creator 1\",\n        \"age\": undefined,\n        \"tags\": undefined,\n        \"country\": undefined,\n        \"other\": undefined,\n      })\n      .then(newEntry => {\n        this.data.data.entries.push(newEntry);\n        this.data.data.count++; // TODO: remove when merging with backend\n      });\n    },\n\n\n\n\n    /**\n     * ---------------------------------------------------------------\n     * LAYOUT\n     */\n\n\n    /**\n     * Load a layout, or default layout if none specified\n     * @param {String} layoutId The id of the layout to load with requireJS\n     * @returns {Promise}\n     */\n    changeLayout (layoutId) {\n      // bad layout\n      if (!this.getLayoutDescriptor(layoutId)) {\n        console.error(\"Layout of id `\" + layoutId + \"` does not have a descriptor\");\n        return;\n      }\n      // set layout\n      const previousLayoutId = this.currentLayoutId;\n      this.currentLayoutId = layoutId;\n      // dispatch events\n      this.triggerEvent(\"layoutChange\", {\n        layoutId: layoutId,\n        previousLayoutId: previousLayoutId,\n      });\n    },\n\n\n\n\n    /**\n     * ---------------------------------------------------------------\n     * PAGINATION\n     */\n\n\n    /**\n     * Get total number of pages\n     * @returns {Number}\n     */\n    getPageCount () {\n      return Math.ceil(this.data.data.count / this.data.query.limit);\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Get the page corresponding to the specified entry (0-based index)\n     * @param {Number} entryIndex The index of the entry. Uses current entry if undefined.\n     * @returns {Number}\n     */\n    getPageIndex (entryIndex) {\n      if (entryIndex === undefined) {\n        entryIndex = this.data.query.offset;\n      }\n      return Math.floor(entryIndex / this.data.query.limit);\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Set page index (0-based index), then fetch new data\n     * @param {Number} pageIndex\n     * @returns {Promise}\n     */\n    setPageIndex (pageIndex) {\n      return new Promise ((resolve, reject) => {\n        if (pageIndex < 0 || pageIndex >= this.getPageCount()) { return void reject(); }\n        const previousPageIndex = this.getPageIndex();\n        this.data.query.offset = this.getFirstIndexOfPage(pageIndex);\n        this.triggerEvent(\"pageChange\", {\n          pageIndex: pageIndex,\n          previousPageIndex: previousPageIndex,\n        });\n        this.updateEntries().then(resolve, reject);\n      });\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Get the first entry index of the given page index\n     * @param {Number} pageIndex The page index. Uses current page if undefined.\n     * @returns {Number}\n     */\n    getFirstIndexOfPage (pageIndex) {\n      if (pageIndex === undefined) {\n        pageIndex = this.getPageIndex();\n      }\n      if (0 <= pageIndex && pageIndex < this.getPageCount()) {\n        return pageIndex * this.data.query.limit;\n      } else {\n        return -1;\n      }\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Get the last entry index of the given page index\n     * @param {Number} pageIndex The page index. Uses current page if undefined.\n     * @returns {Number}\n     */\n    getLastIndexOfPage (pageIndex) {\n      if (pageIndex === undefined) {\n        pageIndex = this.getPageIndex();\n      }\n      if (0 <= pageIndex && pageIndex < this.getPageCount()) {\n        return Math.min(this.getFirstIndexOfPage(pageIndex) + this.data.query.limit, this.data.data.count) - 1;\n      } else {\n        return -1;\n      }\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Set the pagination page size, then fetch new data\n     * @param {Number} pageSize\n     * @returns {Promise}\n     */\n    setPageSize (pageSize) {\n      return new Promise ((resolve, reject) => {\n        if (pageSize < 0) { return void reject(); }\n        const previousPageSize = this.data.query.limit;\n        if (pageSize === previousPageSize) { return void resolve(); }\n        this.data.query.limit = pageSize;\n        // Reset the offset whenever the page size changes.\n        this.data.query.offset = 0;\n        this.triggerEvent(\"pageSizeChange\", {\n          pageSize: pageSize,\n          previousPageSize: previousPageSize,\n        });\n        this.updateEntries().then(resolve, reject);\n      });\n    },\n\n\n\n\n    /**\n     * ---------------------------------------------------------------\n     * DISPLAY\n     */\n\n\n    /**\n     * Returns whether a certain property is visible\n     * @param {String} propertyId\n     * @returns {Boolean}\n     */\n    isPropertyVisible (propertyId) {\n      const propertyDescriptor = this.getPropertyDescriptor(propertyId);\n      return propertyDescriptor.visible;\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Set whether the given property should be visible\n     * @param {String} propertyId\n     * @param {Boolean} visible\n     */\n    setPropertyVisible (propertyId, visible) {\n      const propertyDescriptor = this.getPropertyDescriptor(propertyId);\n      propertyDescriptor.visible = visible;\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Move a property to a certain index in the property order list\n     * @param {String|Number} from The id or index of the property to move\n     * @param {Number} toIndex\n     */\n    reorderProperty (from, toIndex) {\n      let fromIndex;\n      if (typeof from === \"number\") {\n        fromIndex = from;\n      } else if (typeof from === \"string\") {\n        fromIndex = this.data.query.properties.indexOf(from);\n      } else {\n        return;\n      }\n      if (fromIndex < 0 || toIndex < 0) { return; }\n      this.data.query.properties.splice(toIndex, 0, this.data.query.properties.splice(fromIndex, 1)[0]);\n    },\n\n\n\n\n    /**\n     * ---------------------------------------------------------------\n     * SELECTION\n     */\n\n\n    /**\n     * Return whether selecting entries is enabled. If an entry is given, return whether that entry can be selected.\n     *\n     * @param {Object} [parameters]\n     * @param {Object} [parameters.entry]\n     */\n    isSelectionEnabled ({ entry } = {}) {\n      // An entry is selectable if it has an id specified.\n      return this.data.meta.selection.enabled && (!entry || this.getEntryId(entry));\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Return whether the entry is currently selected\n     * @param {Object} entry\n     * @returns {Boolean}\n     */\n    isEntrySelected (entry) {\n      const entryId = this.getEntryId(entry);\n      if (this.entrySelection.isGlobal) {\n        return !this.uniqueArrayHas(this.entrySelection.deselected, entryId);\n      } else {\n        return this.uniqueArrayHas(this.entrySelection.selected, entryId);\n      }\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Select the specified entries\n     * @param {Object|Array} entries\n     */\n    selectEntries (entries) {\n      if (!this.isSelectionEnabled()) { return; }\n      const entryArray = (entries instanceof Array) ? entries : [entries];\n      entryArray.forEach(entry => {\n        if (!this.isSelectionEnabled({ entry })) { return; }\n        const entryId = this.getEntryId(entry);\n        if (this.entrySelection.isGlobal) {\n          this.uniqueArrayRemove(this.entrySelection.deselected, entryId);\n        }\n        else {\n          this.uniqueArrayAdd(this.entrySelection.selected, entryId);\n        }\n        this.triggerEvent(\"select\", {\n          entry: entry,\n        });\n      });\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Deselect the specified entries\n     * @param {Object|Array} entries\n     */\n    deselectEntries (entries) {\n      if (!this.isSelectionEnabled()) { return; }\n      const entryArray = (entries instanceof Array) ? entries : [entries];\n      entryArray.forEach(entry => {\n        if (!this.isSelectionEnabled({ entry })) { return; }\n        const entryId = this.getEntryId(entry);\n        if (this.entrySelection.isGlobal) {\n          this.uniqueArrayAdd(this.entrySelection.deselected, entryId);\n        }\n        else {\n          this.uniqueArrayRemove(this.entrySelection.selected, entryId);\n        }\n        this.triggerEvent(\"deselect\", {\n          entry: entry,\n        });\n      });\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Toggle the selection of the specified entries\n     * @param {Object|Array} entries\n     * @param {Boolean} select Whether to select or not the entries. Undefined toggle current state\n     */\n    toggleSelectEntries (entries, select) {\n      if (!this.isSelectionEnabled()) { return; }\n      const entryArray = (entries instanceof Array) ? entries : [entries];\n      entryArray.forEach(entry => {\n        if (!this.isSelectionEnabled({ entry })) { return; }\n        if (select === undefined) {\n          select = !this.isEntrySelected(entry);\n        }\n        if (select) {\n          this.selectEntries(entry);\n        } else {\n          this.deselectEntries(entry);\n        }\n      });\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Get number of selectable entries in page\n     * @returns {Number}\n     */\n    selectableCountInPage () {\n      if (!this.isSelectionEnabled()) { return 0; }\n      return this.data.data.entries\n        .filter(entry => this.isSelectionEnabled({ entry }))\n        .length;\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Set the entry selection globally accross pages\n     * @param {Boolean} global\n     */\n    setEntrySelectGlobal (global) {\n      if (!this.isSelectionEnabled()) { return; }\n      this.entrySelection.isGlobal = global;\n      this.entrySelection.selected.splice(0);\n      this.entrySelection.deselected.splice(0);\n      this.triggerEvent(\"selectGlobal\", {\n        state: global,\n      });\n    },\n\n\n\n    /**\n     * ---------------------------------------------------------------\n     * ACTIONS\n     */\n\n\n    /**\n     * @param {String|Object} specifies the action\n     * @returns {Object} the descriptor of the specified live data action\n     */\n    getActionDescriptor(action) {\n      const descriptor = typeof action === 'string' ? {id: action} : action;\n      const baseDescriptor = this.data.meta.actions.find(baseDescriptor => baseDescriptor.id === descriptor.id);\n      return jsonMerge({}, baseDescriptor, descriptor);\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * @param {String|Object} specifies the action\n     * @param {Object} the live data entry that is the target of the action\n     * @returns {Boolean} whether the specified action is allowed to target the specified live data entry\n     */\n    isActionAllowed(action, entry) {\n      const actionDescriptor = this.getActionDescriptor(action);\n      return !actionDescriptor.allowProperty || entry[actionDescriptor.allowProperty];\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * ---------------------------------------------------------------\n     * SORT\n     */\n\n\n    /**\n     * Returns whether a certain property is sortable or not\n     * @param {String} propertyId\n     * @returns {Boolean}\n     */\n    isPropertySortable (propertyId) {\n      const propertyDescriptor = this.getPropertyDescriptor(propertyId);\n      const propertyTypeDescriptor = this.getPropertyTypeDescriptor(propertyId);\n      return propertyDescriptor && (propertyDescriptor.sortable !== undefined ? propertyDescriptor.sortable :\n        (propertyTypeDescriptor && propertyTypeDescriptor.sortable));\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Returns the sortable properties from the live data query.\n     *\n     * @returns {Array}\n     */\n    getSortableProperties () {\n      return this.data.query.properties.filter(property => this.isPropertySortable(property));\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Returns the sortable properties that don't have a sort entry in the live data query.\n     *\n     * @returns {Array}\n     */\n    getUnsortedProperties () {\n      return this.getSortableProperties().filter(property => !this.getQuerySort(property));\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Get the sort query associated to a property id\n     * @param {String} propertyId\n     */\n    getQuerySort (propertyId) {\n      return this.data.query.sort.find(sort => sort.property === propertyId);\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Update sort configuration based on parameters, then fetch new data\n     * @param {String} property The property to sort according to\n     * @param {String} level The sort level for the property (0 is the highest).\n     *   Undefined means keep current. Negative value removes property sort.\n     * @param {String} descending Specify whether the sort should be descending or not.\n     *   Undefined means toggle current direction\n     * @returns {Promise}\n     */\n    sort (property, level, descending) {\n      const err = new Error(\"Property `\" + property + \"` is not sortable\");\n      return new Promise ((resolve, reject) => {\n        // Allow the user to remove a sort entry (level < 0) even if the property is not sortable.\n        if (!(level < 0 || this.isPropertySortable(property))) {\n          return void reject(err);\n        }\n        // find property current sort level\n        const currentLevel = this.data.query.sort.findIndex(sortObject => sortObject.property === property);\n        // default level\n        if (level === undefined) {\n          level = (currentLevel !== -1) ? currentLevel : 0;\n        } else if (level < 0) {\n          level = -1;\n        }\n        // default descending\n        if (descending === undefined) {\n          descending = (currentLevel !== -1) ? !this.data.query.sort[currentLevel].descending : false;\n        }\n        // create sort object\n        const sortObject = {\n          property: property,\n          descending: descending,\n        };\n        // apply sort\n        if (level !== -1) {\n          this.data.query.sort.splice(level, 1, sortObject);\n        }\n        if (currentLevel !== -1 && currentLevel !== level) {\n          this.data.query.sort.splice(currentLevel, 1);\n        }\n        // dispatch events\n        this.triggerEvent(\"sort\", {\n          property: property,\n          level: level,\n          descending: descending,\n        });\n\n        this.updateEntries().then(resolve, reject);\n      });\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Add new sort entry, shorthand of sort:\n     * If the property is already sorting, does nothing\n     * @param {String} property The property to add to the sort\n     * @param {String} descending Specify whether the sort should be descending or not.\n     *   Undefined means toggle current direction\n     * @returns {Promise}\n     */\n    addSort (property, descending) {\n      const err = new Error(\"Property `\" + property + \"` is already sorting\");\n      const propertyQuerySort = this.data.query.sort.find(sortObject => sortObject.property === property);\n      if (propertyQuerySort) { return Promise.reject(err); }\n      return this.sort(property, this.data.query.sort.length, descending);\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Remove a sort entry, shorthand of sort:\n     * @param {String} property The property to remove to the sort\n     * @returns {Promise}\n     */\n    removeSort (property) {\n      return this.sort(property, -1);\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Move a sort entry to a certain index in the query sort list\n     * @param {String} property The property to reorder the sort\n     * @param {Number} toIndex\n     */\n    reorderSort (propertyId, toIndex) {\n      const err = new Error(\"Property `\" + propertyId + \"` is not sortable\");\n      return new Promise ((resolve, reject) => {\n        const fromIndex = this.data.query.sort.findIndex(querySort => querySort.property === propertyId);\n        if (fromIndex < 0 || toIndex < 0) { return void reject(err); }\n        this.data.query.sort.splice(toIndex, 0, this.data.query.sort.splice(fromIndex, 1)[0]);\n\n        // dispatch events\n        this.triggerEvent(\"sort\", {\n          type: \"move\",\n          property: propertyId,\n          level: toIndex,\n        });\n\n        this.updateEntries().then(resolve, reject);\n      });\n    },\n\n\n\n\n    /**\n     * ---------------------------------------------------------------\n     * FILTER\n     */\n\n\n    /**\n     * Returns whether a certain property is filterable or not\n     * @param {String} propertyId\n     * @returns {Boolean}\n     */\n    isPropertyFilterable (propertyId) {\n      const propertyDescriptor = this.getPropertyDescriptor(propertyId);\n      const propertyTypeDescriptor = this.getPropertyTypeDescriptor(propertyId);\n      return propertyDescriptor && (propertyDescriptor.filterable !== undefined ? propertyDescriptor.filterable :\n        (propertyTypeDescriptor && propertyTypeDescriptor.filterable));\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Returns the filterable properties from the live data query.\n     *\n     * @returns {Array}\n     */\n    getFilterableProperties () {\n      return this.data.query.properties.filter(property => this.isPropertyFilterable(property));\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Returns the filterable properties that don't have constraints in the live data query.\n     *\n     * @returns {Array}\n     */\n    getUnfilteredProperties () {\n      return this.getFilterableProperties().filter(property => {\n        const filter = this.getQueryFilterGroup(property);\n        return !filter || filter.constraints.length === 0;\n      });\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Get the filter in the query data object associated to a property id\n     * @param {String} propertyId\n     * @returns {Object}\n     */\n    getQueryFilterGroup (propertyId) {\n      return this.data.query.filters.find(filter => filter.property === propertyId);\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Get the filters in the query data object associated to a property id\n     * @param {String} propertyId\n     * @returns {Array} The constraints array of the filter group, or empty array if it does not exist\n     */\n    getQueryFilters (propertyId) {\n      const queryFilterGroup = this.getQueryFilterGroup(propertyId);\n      return queryFilterGroup && queryFilterGroup.constraints || [];\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Get the default filter operator associated to a property id\n     * @param {String} propertyId\n     * @returns {String}\n     */\n    getFilterDefaultOperator (propertyId) {\n      // get valid operator descriptor\n      const filterDescriptor = this.getFilterDescriptor(propertyId);\n      if (!filterDescriptor) { return; }\n      const filterOperators = filterDescriptor.operators;\n      if (!(filterOperators instanceof Array)) { return; }\n      if (filterOperators.length === 0) { return; }\n      // get default operator\n      const defaultOperator = filterDescriptor.defaultOperator;\n      const isDefaultOperatorValid = !!filterOperators.find(operator => operator.id === defaultOperator);\n      if (defaultOperator && isDefaultOperatorValid) {\n        return defaultOperator;\n      } else {\n        return filterOperators[0].id;\n      }\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Return an object containing the new and old filter entries corresponding to parameters\n     *  oldEntry: the filter entry to be modified\n     *  newEntry: what this entry should be modified to\n     * @param {String} property The property to filter according to\n     * @param {String} index The index of the filter entry\n     * @param {String} filterEntry The filter data used to update the filter configuration\n     *  (see Logic.prototype.filter for more)\n     * @returns {Object} {oldEntry, newEntry}\n     *  with oldEntry / newEntry being {property, index, operator, value}\n     */\n    _computeFilterEntries (property, index, filterEntry, {filterOperator} = {}) {\n      if (!this.isPropertyFilterable(property)) { return; }\n      // default indexes\n      index = index || 0;\n      if (index < 0) { index = -1; }\n      if (filterEntry.index < 0) { filterEntry.index = -1; }\n      // old entry\n      let oldEntry = {\n        property: property,\n        index: index,\n      };\n      const queryFilters = this.getQueryFilters(property);\n      const currentEntry = queryFilters[index] || {};\n      oldEntry = Object.assign({}, currentEntry, oldEntry);\n      // new entry (copy properties that are not undefined from filterEntry)\n      let newEntry = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(filterEntry || {})\n        .filter(entry => entry[1] !== undefined));\n      const self = this;\n      const defaultEntry = {\n        property: property,\n        value: \"\",\n        operator: self.getFilterDefaultOperator(property),\n        index: 0,\n      };\n      newEntry = Object.assign({}, defaultEntry, oldEntry, newEntry);\n      if (filterOperator) {\n        newEntry.operator = filterOperator;\n      }\n      // check newEntry operator\n      const newEntryValidOperator = this.getFilterDescriptor(newEntry.property).operators\n        .some(operator => operator.id === newEntry.operator);\n      if (!newEntryValidOperator) {\n        newEntry.operator = self.getFilterDefaultOperator(newEntry.property);\n      }\n      return {\n        oldEntry: oldEntry,\n        newEntry: newEntry,\n      };\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Return the filtering type, based on oldEntry and newEntry\n     * @param {Object} oldEntry\n     * @param {Oject} newEntry\n     * @returns {String} \"add\" | \"remove\" | \"move\" | \"modify\"\n     */\n    _getFilteringType (oldEntry, newEntry) {\n      const queryFilter = this.getQueryFilterGroup(oldEntry.property);\n      if (queryFilter && oldEntry.index === -1) {\n        return \"add\";\n      }\n      if (newEntry.index === -1) {\n        return \"remove\";\n      }\n      if (oldEntry.index !== newEntry.index) {\n        return \"move\";\n      }\n      return \"modify\";\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Update filter configuration based on parameters, then fetch new data\n     * @param {String} property The property to filter according to\n     * @param {String} index The index of the filter entry\n     * @param {String} filterEntry The filter data used to update the filter configuration\n     *  filterEntry = {property, operator, value}\n     *  undefined values are defaulted to current values, then to default values.\n     * @param {String} filterEntry.property The new property to filter according to\n     * @param {String} filterEntry.index The new index the filter should go. -1 delete filter\n     * @param {String} filterEntry.operator The operator of the filter.\n     *  Should match the filter descriptor of the filter property\n     * @param {String} filterEntry.value Value for the new filter entry\n     * @returns {Promise}\n     */\n    filter(property, index, filterEntry, {filterOperator} = {}) {\n      const err = new Error(\"Property `\" + property + \"` is not filterable\");\n      return new Promise ((resolve, reject) => {\n        const filterEntries = this._computeFilterEntries(property, index, filterEntry, {filterOperator});\n        if (!filterEntries) { return void reject(err); }\n        const oldEntry = filterEntries.oldEntry;\n        const newEntry = filterEntries.newEntry;\n        const filteringType = this._getFilteringType(oldEntry, newEntry);\n        // remove filter at current property and index\n        if (oldEntry.index !== -1) {\n          this.getQueryFilters(oldEntry.property).splice(index, 1);\n        }\n        // add filter at new property and index\n        if (newEntry.index !== -1) {\n          // create filterGroup if not exists\n          if (!this.getQueryFilterGroup(newEntry.property)) {\n            this.data.query.filters.push({\n              property: newEntry.property,\n              // We use by default AND between filter groups (different properties) and OR inside a filter group (same\n              // property)\n              matchAll: false,\n              constraints: [],\n            });\n          }\n          // add entry\n          this.getQueryFilterGroup(newEntry.property).constraints.splice(newEntry.index, 0, {\n            operator: newEntry.operator,\n            value: newEntry.value,\n          });\n        }\n        // remove filter group if empty\n        if (this.getQueryFilters(oldEntry.property).length === 0) {\n          this.removeAllFilters(oldEntry.property);\n        }\n        // Reset the offset whenever the filters are updated.\n        this.data.query.offset = 0;\n        // dispatch events\n        this.triggerEvent(\"filter\", {\n          type: filteringType,\n          oldEntry: oldEntry,\n          newEntry: newEntry,\n        });\n\n        this.updateEntries().then(resolve, reject);\n      });\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Add new filter entry, shorthand of filter:\n     * @param {String} property Which property to add the filter to\n     * @param {String} operator The operator of the filter. Should match the filter descriptor of the property\n     * @param {String} value Default value for the new filter entry\n     * @param {Number} index Index of new filter entry. Undefined means last\n     * @returns {Promise}\n     */\n    addFilter (property, operator, value, index) {\n      if (index === undefined) {\n        index = ((this.getQueryFilterGroup(property) || {}).constraints || []).length;\n      }\n      return this.filter(property, -1, {\n        property: property,\n        operator: operator,\n        value: value,\n        index: index,\n      });\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Remove a filter entry in the configuration, then fetch new data\n     * @param {String} property Property to remove the filter to\n     * @param {String} index The index of the filter to remove. Undefined means last.\n     * @returns {Promise}\n     */\n    removeFilter (property, index) {\n      return this.filter(property, index, {index: -1});\n    },\n\n\n    /**\n     * Remove all the filters associated to a property\n     * @param {String} property Property to remove the filters to\n     * @returns {Promise}\n     */\n    removeAllFilters (property) {\n      return new Promise ((resolve, reject) => {\n        const filterIndex = this.data.query.filters\n          .findIndex(filterGroup => filterGroup.property === property);\n        if (filterIndex < 0) { return void reject(); }\n        const removedFilterGroups = this.data.query.filters.splice(filterIndex, 1);\n        // Reset the offset whenever the filters are updated.\n        this.data.query.offset = 0;\n        // dispatch events\n        this.triggerEvent(\"filter\", {\n          type: \"removeAll\",\n          property: property,\n          removedFilters: removedFilterGroups[0].constraints,\n        });\n        this.updateEntries().then(resolve, reject);\n      });\n    },\n    \n    //\n    // Translations\n    //\n\n    /**\n     * @returns {Promise<boolean>} the promise is resolved to true once the translations are loaded\n     */\n    translationsLoaded() {\n      return translationsLoaded;\n    },\n    \n    //\n    // Edit Bus\n    //\n\n    setEditBus(editBusInstance) {\n      this.editBusInstance = editBusInstance;\n    },\n\n    getEditBus() {\n      return this.editBusInstance;\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Registers a panel.\n     *\n     * The panel must have the following attributes:\n     * * id: the id of the panel, must be unique among all panels, also used as suffix of the class on the panel\n     * * name: the name that shall be shown in the menu\n     * * title: the title that shall be displayed in the title bar of the panel\n     * * icon: the name of the icon for the menu and the title of the panel\n     * * container: the Element that shall be attached to the extension panel's body, this should contain the main UI\n     * * component: the component of the panel, should be \"LiveDataAdvancedPanelExtension\" for extension panels\n     * * order: the ordering number, panels are sorted by this number in ascending order\n     *\n     * @param {Object} panel the panel to add\n     */\n    registerPanel(panel)\n    {\n      // Basic insertion sorting to avoid shuffling the (reactive) array.\n      const index = this.panels.findIndex(p => p.order > panel.order);\n      if (index === -1) {\n        this.panels.push(panel);\n      } else {\n        this.panels.splice(index, 0, panel);\n      }\n    },\n\n    //\n    // Content status\n    //\n\n    /**\n     * @returns {boolean} when false, the content is not trusted will be sanitized whenever Vue integrated escaping\n     * is not enough. When true, the content is never sanitized\n     */\n    isContentTrusted() {\n      return this.contentTrusted;\n    }\n  };\n\n\n\n\n\n  // return the init function to be used in the layouts\n  return init;\n\n});\n\n\n\n","/*\n * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional\n * information regarding copyright ownership.\n *\n * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it\n * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of\n * the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU\n * Lesser General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public\n * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free\n * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA\n * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.\n */\n\ndefine('xwiki-livedata-xObjectPropertyHelper', ['jquery', 'xwiki-meta', 'xwiki-entityReference'], function($, xcontext, XWiki) {\n  'use strict';\n\n  /**\n   * Pass the vue-i18n helper to the module to allow error messages to be localized.\n   * @param $t the vue-i18n localization helper\n   */\n  function setLocalization($t) {\n    this.$t = $t;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Resolve the url of the document reference in the given mode.\n   * @param documentReference the document reference\n   * @param mode the mode\n   * @returns {*} the computed relative url\n   */\n  function computeTargetURL(documentReference, mode) {\n    return new XWiki.Document(XWiki.Model.resolve(documentReference, XWiki.EntityType.DOCUMENT)).getURL(mode);\n  }\n\n  function getPropertyReference(propertyName, className) {\n    if (propertyName.startsWith('doc.')) {\n      return propertyName.substring('doc.'.length);\n    } else {\n      // We target the first object of the specified type (class name).\n      return className + '[0].' + propertyName;\n    }\n  }\n\n  function load(mode, documentReference, property, className) {\n    const targetUrl = computeTargetURL(documentReference, 'get');\n    return Promise.resolve($.get(targetUrl, {\n      xpage: 'display',\n      mode: mode,\n      // TODO: handle the object index when provided\n      property: getPropertyReference(property, className),\n      type: property.startsWith('doc.') ? 'document' : 'object',\n      language: xcontext.locale\n    })).catch(() => {\n      new XWiki.widgets.Notification(\n        this.$t('livedata.displayer.xObjectProperty.failedToRetrieveField.errorMessage', [mode]), 'error');\n      return Promise.reject();\n    });\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Load an XObject property field in edit mode.\n   * @param documentReference the reference of the document containing the XObject\n   * @param className the class name of the XObject\n   * @param property the XObject property to display\n   * @returns {*} the XObject property field html content in edit mode\n   */\n  function edit(documentReference, className, property) {\n    return load('edit', documentReference, property, className);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Load an XObject property field in view mode.\n   * @param documentReference the reference of the document containing the XObject\n   * @param className the class name of the XObject\n   * @param property the XObject property to display\n   * @returns {*} the XObject property field html content in view mode\n   */\n  function view(documentReference, className, property) {\n    return load('view', documentReference, property, className);\n  }\n\n  return {edit, view, setLocalization};\n});\n","/*\n * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional\n * information regarding copyright ownership.\n *\n * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it\n * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of\n * the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU\n * Lesser General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public\n * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free\n * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA\n * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.\n */\n\n\n/**\n * Vue event bus for the edit action states.\n * Sent events:\n * - start-editing-entry({entryId, propertyId}): when an entry passes in edit mode\n * - cancel-editing-entry({entryId, propertyId}): when an entry goes out of edit mode without saving its edits\n * - save-editing-entry({entryId, propertyId, content}): when an entry goes out of edit model and wants to save its\n *   edits. The content is an object mapping the keys and values of the cell form attributes.\n */\ndefine('edit-bus', ['vue'], (Vue) => {\n\n  /**\n   * Initialize the edit bus view and services.\n   * @param logic the live data logic instance\n   */\n  function init(logic) {\n\n    /**\n     * Centralizes the edition event listeners and maintain a centralized state of the edition states and results for\n     * the live data. This is useful to know when to save the table, and to know which cells can be edited according to\n     * the current edit state\n     */\n    class EditBusService {\n\n      /**\n       * Default constructor.\n       * @param editBus an edit bus Vue object\n       * @param logic the live data logic instance\n       */\n      constructor(editBus, logic) {\n        this.editBus = editBus;\n        this.editStates = {};\n        this.logic = logic;\n      }\n\n      /**\n       * Initializes the Vue events listeners.\n       */\n      init() {\n        this.editBus.$on('start-editing-entry', ({entryId, propertyId}) => {\n          const entryState = this.editStates[entryId] || {};\n          const propertyState = entryState[propertyId] || {};\n          propertyState.editing = true;\n          entryState[propertyId] = propertyState;\n          this.editStates[entryId] = entryState;\n        })\n\n        this.editBus.$on('cancel-editing-entry', ({entryId, propertyId}) => {\n          const entryState = this.editStates[entryId];\n          const propertyState = entryState[propertyId];\n\n          // The entry is not edited anymore.\n          // The content is not edited, and should be `undefined` if the property was edited for the first time.\n          // If the property was edited and saved a first time, then edited and cancelled, the content must stay to one\n          // from the first edit.\n          propertyState.editing = false;\n\n        })\n\n        this.editBus.$on('save-editing-entry', ({entryId, propertyId, content}) => {\n          const entryState = this.editStates[entryId];\n          const propertyState = entryState[propertyId];\n          // The entry is not edited anymore but its content will need to be saved once the rest of the properties of\n          // the  entry are not in edit mode. \n          propertyState.editing = false;\n          propertyState.tosave = true;\n          propertyState.content = content;\n          this.save(entryId);\n        })\n      }\n\n      /**\n       * Save the changed values of an entry server side.\n       * @param entryId the entry id of the entry to save\n       */\n      save(entryId) {\n        const values = this.editStates[entryId];\n        var canBeSaved = false;\n        var keyEntry = undefined;\n\n\n        // Look for the single cell to save.\n        for (keyEntry in values) {\n          const entryValue = values[keyEntry];\n\n          const editing = entryValue.editing;\n          const tosave = entryValue.tosave;\n          canBeSaved = !editing && tosave;\n\n          if (canBeSaved) {\n            break;\n          }\n        }\n\n        // If a cell to save is found, we get its content and save it. \n        if (canBeSaved && keyEntry) {\n          const vals = values[keyEntry].content;\n\n          this.logic.setValues({entryId, values: vals})\n            .then(() => {\n              this.editStates[entryId] = {};\n            })\n            .catch(() => {\n              new XWiki.widgets.Notification(`The row save action failed.`, 'error');\n            });\n        }\n      }\n\n      isEditable() {\n        for (const editStatesKey in this.editStates) {\n          const editStates = this.editStates[editStatesKey];\n          for (const editStateKey in editStates) {\n            const editState = editStates[editStateKey];\n            if (editState.editing) {\n              return false;\n            }\n          }\n        }\n        return true;\n      }\n\n      onAnyEvent(callback) {\n        this.editBus.$on(['save-editing-entry', 'start-editing-entry', 'cancel-editing-entry'], () => callback())\n      }\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Notifies the start of a cell modification. After this event, the cell is considered as edited unless it is\n     * canceled.\n     * @param entry the entry of the edited row\n     * @param propertyId the property id of the edited cell.\n     */\n    function start(entry, propertyId) {\n      _editBus.$emit('start-editing-entry', {\n        entryId: _logic.getEntryId(entry),\n        propertyId\n      });\n\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Notifies the cancellation of the edition of a cell. The cell rollback to a non modified state.\n     * @param entry the entry of the edited row\n     * @param propertyId the property id of the edited cell\n     */\n    function cancel(entry, propertyId) {\n      _editBus.$emit('cancel-editing-entry', {\n        entryId: _logic.getEntryId(entry),\n        propertyId\n      })\n\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Notifies the save of the a cell. With the current save strategy, the cell is directly save and the table is\n     * reload after this notification.\n     * @param entry the entry of the edit row\n     * @param propertyId the property id of the edited cell\n     * @param content the attributes of the edit cell form, in the form of an object\n     `\n     */\n    function save(entry, propertyId, content) {\n      _editBus.$emit('save-editing-entry', {\n        entryId: _logic.getEntryId(entry),\n        propertyId: propertyId,\n        content: content\n      });\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Indicated if cells are allowed to switch to edit mode. For instance, a cell is not allowed to be edited if\n     * another cell is already in edit mode. In this case the currently edited cell must be saved or cancelled before\n     * another one can be edited.\n     * @returns {*} true if the cells are allowed to switch to edit mode, false otherwise\n     */\n    function isEditable() {\n      return _editBusService.isEditable();\n    }\n\n    function onAnyEvent(callback) {\n      _editBusService.onAnyEvent(callback);\n    }\n\n    const _editBus = new Vue();\n    const _logic = logic\n    const _editBusService = new EditBusService(_editBus, logic);\n    _editBusService.init()\n    return {start, cancel, save, isEditable, onAnyEvent};\n  }\n\n  return {init};\n})\n","/*\n * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional\n * information regarding copyright ownership.\n *\n * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it\n * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of\n * the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU\n * Lesser General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public\n * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free\n * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA\n * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.\n */\n\ndefine('xwiki-json-merge', function() {\n  let merge = function(left, right) {\n    if (left?.constructor === Object && right?.constructor === Object) {\n      return mergeObject(left, right);\n    } else if (Array.isArray(left) && Array.isArray(right)) {\n      return mergeArray(left, right);\n    } else if (right == null) {\n      // Keep the left value.\n      return left;\n    } else {\n      // Overwrite the left value because either it's null or we cannot merge.\n      return deepCopy(right);\n    }\n  };\n\n  let mergeArray = function(left, right) {\n    // Take the items from the right, merging them with the corresponding item from the left.\n    const fromRight = right.map(rightItem => merge(findById(rightItem.id, left), rightItem));\n    // Take the items from the left that are identifiable and that are not present on the right.\n    const fromLeft = deepCopy(left.filter(leftItem => leftItem.id != null && findById(leftItem.id, right) == null));\n    return fromRight.concat(fromLeft);\n  };\n\n  let mergeObject = function(left, right) {\n    // Don't merge if the right object has an identifier different than the one of the left object.\n    if (right.hasOwnProperty('id') && left.id !== right.id) {\n      return deepCopy(right);\n    }\n    Object.keys(right).forEach(key => {\n      left[key] = merge(left[key], right[key]);\n    });\n    return left;\n  };\n\n  let deepCopy = function(value) {\n    return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value));\n  };\n\n  let findById = function(id, array) {\n    if (id != null) {\n      return array.find(item => item.id === id);\n    }\n  };\n\n  return function(...objects) {\n    return objects?.reduce(merge, null);\n  };\n});\n","/*\n * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional\n * information regarding copyright ownership.\n *\n * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it\n * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of\n * the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU\n * Lesser General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public\n * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free\n * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA\n * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.\n */\n\ndefine('xwiki-livedata-source', ['module', 'jquery'], function(module, $) {\n  'use strict';\n\n  function init() {\n    var baseURL = module.config().contextPath + '/rest/liveData/sources/';\n\n    // Hold the most recent request to update the Live Data entries. It can be aborted. For instance, if some criteria \n    // (e.g., filtering or sorting) are changed before the previous request is completed. \n    let entriesRequest;\n\n    var getEntries = function(liveDataQuery) {\n      var entriesURL = getEntriesURL(liveDataQuery.source);\n\n      var parameters = {\n        properties: liveDataQuery.properties,\n        offset: liveDataQuery.offset,\n        limit: liveDataQuery.limit\n      };\n      // Add filters.\n      parameters.matchAll = [];\n      liveDataQuery.filters.forEach(filter => {\n        if (filter.matchAll) {\n          parameters.matchAll.push(filter.property);\n        }\n        parameters['filters.' + filter.property] = filter.constraints\n          .filter(constraint => constraint.value !== undefined)\n          .map(constraint => {\n            if (constraint.operator === undefined) {\n              constraint.operator = \"\";\n            }\n            return constraint;\n          })\n          .map(constraint => constraint.operator + ':' + constraint.value);\n      });\n      // Add sort.\n      parameters.sort = liveDataQuery.sort.map(sort => sort.property);\n      parameters.descending = liveDataQuery.sort.map(sort => sort.descending);\n\n      // We abort previous requests to avoid a race condition. It can happen that getEntries is called twice in a short\n      // time (when the user is typing in a filter field for instance, quickly changing sorting, or just if the network \n      // is slow) and that the first request succeeds after the second request, and its results would replace the\n      // \"fresher\" state.\n      entriesRequest?.abort();\n      entriesRequest = $.getJSON(entriesURL, $.param(parameters, true));\n\n      return Promise.resolve(entriesRequest.then(toLiveData))\n        .finally(cleanupRequest.bind(null, entriesRequest));\n    };\n\n    function cleanupRequest(requestToClean) {\n      // We reset the request object to null for two reasons:\n      // - avoid keeping an object we don't need anymore in memory, preventing it from being GC'd\n      // - make sure we don't attempt to abort a request that already terminated.\n      //\n      // We only nullify the request if it is the request we just handled.\n      // Otherwise, this means that a fresher request is in flight. In which case\n      // we need to be able to abort this fresher one if yet another request is\n      // fired before it succeeds.\n      if (requestToClean === entriesRequest) {\n        entriesRequest = null;\n      }\n    }\n\n    var getEntriesURL = function(source) {\n      var entriesURL = baseURL + encodeURIComponent(source.id) + '/entries';\n      return addSourcePathParameters(source, entriesURL);\n    };\n\n    function addSourcePathParameters(source, url) {\n      var parameters = {\n        // Make sure the response is not retrieved from cache (IE11 doesn't obey the caching HTTP headers).\n        timestamp: new Date().getTime(),\n        namespace: `wiki:${XWiki.currentWiki}`\n      };\n      addSourceParameters(parameters, source);\n      return `${url}?${$.param(parameters, true)}`;\n    }\n\n    function getEntryPropertyURL(source, entryId, propertyId) {\n      const encodedSourceId = encodeURIComponent(source.id);\n      const encodedEntryId = encodeURIComponent(entryId);\n      const encodedPropertyId = encodeURIComponent(propertyId);\n      const url = `${baseURL}${encodedSourceId}/entries/${encodedEntryId}/properties/${encodedPropertyId}`\n      return addSourcePathParameters(source, url);\n    }\n\n    function getEntryURL(source, entryId) {\n      const encodedSourceId = encodeURIComponent(source.id);\n      const encodedEntryId = encodeURIComponent(entryId);\n      const url = `${baseURL}${encodedSourceId}/entries/${encodedEntryId}`\n      return addSourcePathParameters(source, url);\n    }\n\n    var addSourceParameters = function(parameters, source) {\n      $.each(source, (key, value) => {\n        if (key !== 'id') {\n          parameters['sourceParams.' + key] = value;\n        }\n      });\n    };\n\n    var toLiveData = function(data) {\n      return {\n        count: data.count,\n        entries: data.entries.map(entry => entry.values)\n      };\n    };\n\n    var addEntry = function(source, entry) {\n      return Promise.resolve($.post(getEntriesURL(source), entry).then(e => e.values));\n    };\n\n    function updateEntry(source, entryId, values) {\n      return Promise.resolve($.ajax({\n        type: 'PUT',\n        url: getEntryURL(source, entryId),\n        contentType: 'application/json',\n        data: JSON.stringify({values})\n      }));\n    }\n\n    var getTranslations = function(locale, prefix, keys) {\n      const translationsURL = `${module.config().contextPath}/rest/wikis/${XWiki.currentWiki}/localization/translations`;\n      return Promise.resolve($.getJSON(translationsURL, $.param({\n        locale: locale,\n        prefix: prefix,\n        key: keys\n      }, true)).then(toTranslationsMap));\n    };\n\n    var toTranslationsMap = function(responseJSON) {\n      var translationsMap = {};\n      responseJSON.translations?.forEach(translation => translationsMap[translation.key] = translation.rawSource);\n      return translationsMap;\n    };\n\n    function updateEntryProperty(source, entryId, propertyId, propertyValue) {\n      return Promise.resolve($.ajax({\n        type: 'PUT',\n        url: getEntryPropertyURL(source, entryId, propertyId),\n        contentType: 'text/plain',\n        data: `${propertyValue}`\n      }))\n    }\n\n    return {\n      getEntries,\n      addEntry,\n      updateEntry,\n      updateEntryProperty,\n      getTranslations\n    };\n  }\n\n  return {init};\n});\n","/*\n * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional\n * information regarding copyright ownership.\n *\n * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it\n * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of\n * the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU\n * Lesser General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public\n * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free\n * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA\n * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.\n */\n\n/**\n * Polyfills that are not yet provided by Closure Compiler.\n * See https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/master/src/com/google/javascript/jscomp/js/polyfills.txt\n */\ndefine('xwiki-livedata-polyfills', function () {\n});\n"],