Wiki source code of Elementeigenschaften

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gru 9.1 1 {{figure image="designer_properties_panel_en.png"}}
2 Each group of properties can be edited in the corresponding properties panel.
gru 1.1 3 {{/figure}}
gru 9.1 5 Each element has got many different properties, separated into several sections. For each section you can find a properties panel to the right of the {{designer/}}. You can view or edit each property there. Below you can find the properties that are common to many elements. For special properties that only one or a few elements possess, refer to the [[help pages for the individual form elements>>doc:Formcycle.Designer.Form.FormElements.WebHome]].
gru 1.1 6
gru 9.1 7 {{subpages title="Available property areas"/}}