
The basic properties name, width and hidden are available for all form elements.

This panel lets you configure basic properties such as the element's name and its width.

Elements can be repeated to allow the user to enter one or more data sets.

The number of times an element is repeated can be set via a trigger. In this example, the fieldset with the personal data of a person's child is repeated. The number of repetitions depends on the number of children the user has selected.
Element6.3.0+ You can change an element's type via the drop down menu. For example, you could change a single input field into a multi line input field (textarea). The element types that are available depend on the original element type. Container and fieldsets cannot be changed into other form elements.
NameTechnical name of the elements. Only letters and numbers are allowed. The name is used, for example, to refer to the form field during workflow processing.
AliasAn alternative technichal name that may contain any character.
WidthThe width of the form element, relative to other elements in the same row. For example, when you place three elements next to each other in the same row and set their widths to 10, 10 und 30, they will take up 20% (=10/(10+10+30)), 20%, and 60% of the entire width of the row, respectively.
HiddenWhen enabled, the form element is hidden and will not be visible to the user. If you wish to hide or show the element dynamically, depending on the value of another element, use the hidden if condition or a JavaScript function such as jQuery.fn.visible.
DisabledWhen enabled, the value of the form element cannot be edited. Also, the value will not be transmitted to the server when the user submits the form. For text input fields you can optionally decide whether you want to transmit the value when the form is submitted.
RepeatWhen enabled, the user can create an arbitrary amount of repetition (copies) of the element. This is useful, for example, when the user needs to enter one or more email addresses. Please note that repeated elements cannot be nested: A container or fieldset that is repeated cannot contain elements that are also repeated.
Min repetitionsMinimum number of repetition that must exist. When this limit is reached, the user cannot delete any more repetitions. This limit is also the initial number of repeated elements that are displayed when the form is opened for the first time.
Max repetitionsMaximumer of allowed repetitions. When this limit is reached, the user cannot add anymore more repetitions.
Repeat triggerWhen an element is selected, the value of that element determines how many repetitions are created. For example: A select element or input field lets the user enter the number of children they have. A fieldset with the personal data of a child is marked as repeated, and its trigger is set to the select or input field. Now, when the user changes the number of children, the appropriate number of fieldsets are created automatically.
Hide buttons6.2.0+ Available only when a repeat trigger was set. When enabled, the plus and minus buttons for adding and removing elements are hidden. This is useful when the number of repetitions should depend only on the value of another field and the user should not be able to alter the number of repetitions directly.


Jedes Formular sendet Daten nach dem Prinzip Elementname   Wert. Diese Elementnamen können über die Platzhalterersetzung in Aktionen und Templates verwendet werden. In einigen Fällen kann es vorkommen, dass diese Namen nicht für die Weiterverarbeitung verwendet werden können. Das kann z.B. auftreten, wenn für die Weiterverarbeitung spezielle Zeichen verwendet werden müssen, die im Formulardesigner nicht zulässig sind. Für diesen Fall besteht die Möglichkeit, einen Alias zu vergeben.

Wurde ein Alias vergeben, wird nun statt dem Namen des Formularelements der Alias für die Verarbeitung in den Aktionen und bei der Platzhalterersetzung verwendet.