Changes for page Anwendungseinstellungen

From version 5.2
edited by awa
on 02.02.2022, 13:51
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 6.1
edited by awa
on 14.02.2022, 15:55
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -171,3 +171,69 @@
171 171  |mail.smtp.connectiontimeout {{version major="7" minor="0" patch="4" /}}|300000|SMTP Socket connection timeout value in milliseconds.
172 172  |mail.smtp.timeout {{version major="7" minor="0" patch="4" /}}|300000|SMTP Socket I/O timeout value in milliseconds.
173 173  {{/table}}
174 +
175 +== Workflow ==
176 +
177 +The following properties can be used to selectively enable or disable certain events or actions of the new workflow.
178 +
179 +The properties for events share the following pattern:
180 +
181 +{{code}}
182 +trigger.<technical_name_of_the_event>.enable=false
183 +{{/code}}
184 +
185 +The properties for actions share the following pattern:
186 +
187 +{{code}}
188 +processing.<technical_name_of_the_action>.enable=false
189 +{{/code}}
190 +
191 +The technical event names are as follows:
192 +
193 +* //fc_catch_error//: Workflow error
194 +* //fc_doi_verified//: Double opt-in confirmed
195 +* //fc_form_submit_button//: Technical name
196 +* //fc_invitation_error//: Invitation failed
197 +* //fc_invitation_sent//: Invitation sent
198 +* //fc_manual//: Custom
199 +* //fc_qualified_form_submit_button//: Submit button
200 +* //fc_state_timer//: After state change
201 +* //fc_time_point//: Date and time
202 +
203 +The technical action names are as follows:
204 +
205 +* //fc_change_form_availability//: Change availability
206 +* //fc_change_form_value//: Change form values
207 +* //fc_change_state//: Set state
208 +* //fc_compress_as_zip//: Compress files
209 +* //fc_copy_form_record//: Copy form record
210 +* //fc_counter//: Change counter
211 +* //fc_create_text_file//: Create text file
212 +* //fc_delete_form_record//: Delete form record
213 +* //fc_doi_init//: Send double opt-in email
214 +* //fc_email//: Email
215 +* //fc_empty//: Empty statement
216 +* //fc_experiment//: Handle errors
217 +* //fc_export_to_persistence//: Export to persistence file
218 +* //fc_export_to_xml//: Export as XML
219 +* //fc_fill_pdf//: Fill PDF document
220 +* //fc_fill_word//: Fill word document
221 +* //fc_import_form_value_from_xml//: Import from XML
222 +* //fc_ldap_query//: LDAP query
223 +* //fc_move_form_record_to_inbox//: Move to inbox
224 +* //fc_multiple_condition//: Condition (Check value)
225 +* //fc_post_request//: HTTP request
226 +* //fc_provide_resource//: Provide file
227 +* //fc_queue_task//: Queue custom event
228 +* //fc_redirect//: Redirect
229 +* //fc_renew_process_id//: Create new process ID
230 +* //fc_return//: Stop processing chain
231 +* //fc_return_file//: File download
232 +* //fc_save_to_file_system//: Save to file system
233 +* //fc_set_saved_flag//: Save
234 +* //fc_show_template//: HTML response page
235 +* //fc_sql_statement//: Database query
236 +* //fc_throw_exception//: Throw error
237 +* //fc_write_form_record_attributes//: Set server attribute
238 +* //sequence//: Block statement
239 +