General inbox
The submitted data are being validated.Workflow
A form record is created for the submitted form. The workflow processing processes all actions that have been configured.Post processes
The system processes the form record further in multiple stages after workflow processing has finished.Inbox
The form record is put in a general inbox. The workflow processing may have altered the default inbox.
All submitted forms are put in an inbox and can be viewed there. You can change the default inbox of a form by selecting the default inbox in the inbox menu of the form. By editing the user groups associated with an inbox you can control which users can access an inbox.
Creating a new inbox
- From the main menu on the left hand side, go to Inboxes and click on "+".
- Give the inbox a name and optionally a description.
- To the bottom of the inbox settings, you can select the user groups that should be able to access the inbox in a selcetion menu. Only users belonging to at least one user group that has been granted access will be able to access the inbox. For users that are currently logged in, changes will be applied only after they sign in again.
- Confirm your changes by clicking Save.
Editing inboxes
- Click on the inbox you would like to edit.
- Modify the settings and click on save.
- All changes will be applied immediately after saving.
Deleting an inbox
- Select the inbox or the inboxes you would like to delete.
- Click on Delete.
Clearing an inbox
- Click on the inbox you would like to clear.
- Click on Clear inbox to delete all form records in the inbox permanently.
Form specific inbox
General inboxes always display the same columns. For form specific inboxes, you can change the columns that should be displayed. This can be useful when you would like to see the value of certain form fields immediately without having to open the form first.
Form specific inbox can be setup on the inbox menu of a form.