Export to persistence file

User interface for actions of type Export to persistence file.

Action of type Export to persistence file allows to provide the data of an operation as a persisted structure. This can be reloaded later to restore the form. This action and javascript code for loading the persisted values can thus be used to implement saving form data.


Storage of the generated files

Name of the output file
File name under which the exported process should be saved.
Append to operation
Specifies whether the generated output file should be attached to the operation.

Action variables

Actions of type Export to persistence file provide Action variables which can be used in subsequent actions.

Standard action variables

[%$<action name>.SUCCESS%]
Return whether action was successfully executed. Returns Boolean (true/false).
[%$<action name>.RESULT%]
Return all results provided by the action in structured form.
[%$<action name>.ERROR_CODE%]
The error code thrown in case of an error in the action. Empty if no error occurred.
[%$<action name>.ERROR_MESSAGE%]
The thrown error message in the action's error case. Empty if no error occurred.

Action specific action variables

[%$<action name>.RESULT.fileSize%]
Size of the created persistence file, in bytes.
[%$<action name>.ERROR.message%]
Error code returned if the persistence file could not be written to the file system.

Import form data from export file

If a form is called and there is a non-empty upload field named fcp_persistence{/code}} in the form or there is a file named {{code language="none"}}fcp-persistence{/code}} in another upload field, the values from the persistence file will be written to form when the form is delivered, thus pre-populating fields.

The following example code allows to realize this process with a button. Here, the form's target is set to its own URL on submit and all input fields except the upload field are disabled. Then a submit of the form is executed, through which the contents of the file are loaded.

{{code language="javascript"}}
$('BUTTON[name="btnLoad"]').on('click', function(){
    $('.xm-form').attr('action', window.location);
    $('.xm-form input').not('[name=fcp_persistence]').attr('disabled', "disabled");
    $('.xm-form textarea').attr('disabled', "disabled");
    $('.xm-form select').attr('disabled', "disabled");
$('[xn="fcp_persistence"] .img-uploaded-preview').visible(false);

Alternatively, the following code can be used:

{{code language="javascript"}}
    var nameOfTriggerButton="btnLoad";

    var form = $("<form>", {
        method: "post",
        enctype: "multipart/form-data"

    var upload = $("<input>", {
        type: "file",
        name: "fcp_persistence"
