Submit count plugin

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The submit count plugin is a workflow plugin that allows to set a form online or offline depending on a form specific counter. The plugin can be installed as a client- oder system plugin. This plugin is subject to additional charge.

Use case example

Use of the submit count plugin to limit the number of regstrations via a form. With each submitted form record the counter is incremented by one. If 20 form records have been submitted than the form will be set offline.

The plugin is typically used to count the number of form records and to set the form offline if that counter reaches a certain number. This is usually needed for registration forms for events that hava a limited number of participants. If users cancel their event registration the plugin can also be used to set the form online again.


Use of the submit count plugin to set the form online again if users cancel their registration. With each cancelation the counter value is reduced by one. If the counter reaches a value of 19 the form will best online again.

To use the plugin a new workflow action of type Submit-Count-Plugin needs to created. This action has three parameters:

This parameter can take the values UP or DOWN. These values determine whether the counter should be incremented or reduced by one.
This parameter takes a whole number value that determines at what counter value the form should be turned offline.
This parameter takes a whole number value that determines at what counter value the form should be turned online.