Create log entry

7.2.0+  This action is available from Xima® Formcycle version 7.2.0 onwards.

Configuration interface for the action of type create log entry.

Created log entry with the severity of level warning.

Actions of type create log entry allow you to create custom entries in the Process log.


Informations of the log entry

The name of the action, which doubles as the name of the log entry to create.
The severity level of the log entry to create. The severity allows you to filter the Log accordingly.
The comments of the log entry to create. The comments can later be seen on the log entry.


Actions of type create log entry provide Action variables which can be used in subsequent actions.

Standard action variables

[%$<action name>.SUCCESS%]
Return whether action was successfully executed. Returns Boolean (true/false).
[%$<action name>.RESULT%]
Return all results provided by the action in structured form.
[%$<action name>.ERROR_CODE%]
The error code thrown in case of an error in the action. Empty if no error occurred.
[%$<action name>.ERROR_MESSAGE%]
The thrown error message in the action's error case. Empty if no error occurred.

Action specific action variables

[%$<action name>.RESULT.level%]
The severity of the log entry.
[%$<action name>.RESULT.comments%]
The comments the log entry was given.