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1 {{content/}}
4 == Description ==
6 Depending on the authorization all submitted [[form records>>doc:Terminology.WebHome||anchor="form_record"]] will be displayed clearly in either the [[//default view//>>||anchor="inbox_list_default"]] or [[//project view//>>||anchor="inbox_list_project"]]. In the inbox it is also possible to change the state of form records, upload files, write comments and export form record data.
8 == Structure ==
10 {{figure image="inbox_overview_marked_en.png"}}
11 {{id name="fig_inbox_overview" /}}
12 The inbox consists of (1) the //filter menu//, (2) the //form record list// and (3) the //review area//.
13 {{/figure}}
15 As a whole the inbox consists of three separate parts: the [[filte menu>>||anchor="filter_menu"]] at the left side, the [[form record list>>||anchor="inbox_list"]] and the [[review area>>||anchor="review_area"]]. When the inbox is being opened only the filter menu and the form record list are visible. A click on a form record within the form record list opens the review area of that form record.
17 == Filter menu ==
19 {{id name="filter_menu"/}}
20 The filter menu is used for configuring how the form records are being displayed within the form record list. The following filters are provided:
22 === Search ===
24 {{figure image="inbox_filter_menu_search_type_en.png"}}
25 {{id name="fig_inbox_filter_menu_search_type" /}}
26 Form record search: Form records can be filtered by different search types. The search type can be selected via the arrow symbol which is marked in red.
27 {{/figure}}
29 At the top of the filter menu there is an input field for searching forms. The arrow button to the right of the is being used to select the search type (see [[figure>>||anchor="fig_inbox_filter_menu_search_type"]]). The following search types are provided:
31 * **Subject**
32 Search for form records with the given subject.
33 * **Form**
34 Search for form records with the given form title.
35 * **Form record ID**
36 Search for form records with the given ID. {{info}}ID has to be exact.{{/info}}
37 * **Process ID**
38 Search for form records with the given process ID.
39 * **State**
40 Search for form records that are in the given state.
42 No search filter is being applied if the input field is empty. In project views the input field is not being displayed.
44 === View ===
46 {{id name="filter_menu_view"/}}
47 {{figure image="inbox_filter_menu_view_en.png"}}{{id name="fig_inbox_filter_menu_view" /}}
48 There are three different types of views, which can be differentiated by their symbols {{ficon name="view-list"/}} / {{ficon name="date"/}} / {{ficon name="layout-table"/}} : (1) the //default view// of form records, (2) the //calendar view// and (3) the //project views// (marked in red).{{/figure}}
51 {{html wiki="true"}}
52 <div class='xm-figure xm-float-right xm-clear-h2' data-alt='
53 There are three different types of views, which can be differentiated by their symbols / / : (1) the default view of form records, (2) the calendar view and (3) the project views (marked in red).'><div class='xm-figure-inner' style='width:310px'>{{lightbox image='inbox_filter_menu_view_en.png' width='300' group='$height' group='$group' title='
54 There are three different types of views, which can be differentiated by their symbols / / : (1) the default view of form records, (2) the calendar view and (3) the project views (marked in red).'/}}<div class='xm-figure-caption'>{{id name="fig_inbox_filter_menu_view" /}}
55 There are three different types of views, which can be differentiated by their symbols {{ficon name="view-list"/}} / {{ficon name="date"/}} / {{ficon name="layout-table"/}} : (1) the //default view// of form records, (2) the //calendar view// and (3) the //project views// (marked in red).</div></div></div>
56 {{/html}}
59 The view selection is only available if project views have been configured (for configuring project views see [[My Forms > Inbox>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Inbox.WebHome]]). Which form records are being displayed in the form record list and how they are being displayed depends on the selected view. There are two different types of views:
61 * {{ficon name="view-list"/}} **Default**
62 The default view can not be configured. Depending on the users authorization all submitted [[form records>>doc:Terminology.WebHome||anchor="form_record"]] are displayed in the [[form record list>>||anchor="inbox_list_default"]].
63 * {{ficon name="date"/}}**Calendar view**
64 The calendar view is available if [[schedules>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.Appointments.WebHome]] with booked appointments exist. In this view all booked appointments are displayed. Which schedules should be displayed can be set from the [[filter menu>>||anchor="filter_menu_appointment_templates"]].
65 * {{ficon name="layout-table"/}} **Project views**
66 Project views have the names of the forms they are matched to. These views only contain form records of the appropriate form. The form records will be displayed in a data table. The number of columns depends on the [[view configuration>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Inbox.WebHome]] (see [[form record list>>||anchor="inbox_list_project"]]).
68 === Filter ===
70 {{figure image="inbox_filter_menu_filter_en.png"}}
71 {{id name="fig_inbox_filter_menu_filter" /}}
72 Filter: There are four quick filters available.
73 {{/figure}}
76 {{html wiki="true"}}
77 <div class='xm-figure xm-float-right xm-clear-h2' data-alt='
78 Filter: There are four quick filters available.'><div class='xm-figure-inner' style='width:310px'>{{lightbox image='inbox_filter_menu_filter_en.png' width='300' group='$height' group='$group' title='
79 Filter: There are four quick filters available.'/}}<div class='xm-figure-caption'>{{id name="fig_inbox_filter_menu_filter" /}}
80 Filter: There are four quick filters available.</div></div></div>
81 {{/html}}
84 There are four quick filters available for configuring the form record list.
87 * **Show all**
88 All form records of the current [[view>>doc:||anchor="filter_menu_view"]] will be displayed.
89 * **Recently edited**
90 All form records that have been edited in the past 14 days will be displayed.
91 * **Edited by me**
92 All form records that have been edited by the current [[user>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.UserSettings.User.WebHome]] will be displayed.
93 * **Created by me**
94 All form records that have been created by the current [[user>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.UserSettings.User.WebHome]] will be displayed.
96 {{id name="filter_menu_appointment_templates"/}}
98 === Schedules ===
100 This filter menu is only available in the [[calendar view>>||anchor="calendar-view"]]. Schedules that have booked appointments can be (un-)selected here. In the calendar-view only appointments of the selected schedules will appear.
102 === Inboxes ===
104 {{id name="filter_menu_inboxes"/}}
106 {{figure image="inbox_filter_menu_inboxes_en.png"}}
107 {{id name="fig_inbox_filter_menu_inboxes" /}}
108 Only form records within the selected inboxes will be displayed.
109 {{/figure}}
111 Every form record is stored in an [[inbox>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.Inboxes.WebHome]]. By default this is the //Default inbox//. What inbox a form record should be stored in can be configured in the [[inbox settings>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Inbox.WebHome]] of the form. By selecting inboxes only the form records within the selected inboxes will be displayed. Next to each inbox a number is diplayed showing the count of unread form records within that inbox. Is no number present than there are no unread form records. Is no inbox selected or the inbox filter is not available (because all form records are stored in the same inbox) than the form records of all inboxes will be displayed.
113 The inbox filter depends on the selected [[view>>||anchor="filter_menu_view"]]. The inbox filter is available if the form records of the form record list are stored in more than one inbox. If this is not the case than the inbox filter is not available.
115 === Submit date / Change date ===
117 {{figure image="inbox_filter_menu_date_en.png"}}
118 {{id name="fig_inbox_filter_menu_date" /}}
119 The form record list can be filtered by submit date.
120 {{/figure}}
122 The form record list can be filtered by the submit date and the change date of the form records. For this purpose, two input fields are available in each case:
124 * **from**
125 All form records that have been received or changed since the specified date are displayed.
126 * **until**
127 All form records that have been received or changed until the specified date are displayed.
129 If the fields are empty, there is no restriction based on the date.
131 === Sorting ===
133 {{figure image="inbox_filter_menu_sort_en.png"}}
134 {{id name="fig_inbox_filter_menu_sort" /}}
135 The default view of the form record list can be sorted by different criteria.
136 {{/figure}}
138 The default view of the form record list can be sorted by different criteria. If a project view is selected this field is not available. [[Sorting of project views>>||anchor="inbox_list_project"]] is done by clicking on the column headers. The following criteria (in ascending and descending direction) are available for sorting:
140 * **Submit date**
141 * **Last change date**
142 * **Subject**
143 * **State**
145 === More filters ===
147 {{figure image="inbox_filter_menu_others_en.png"}}
148 {{id name="fig_inbox_filter_menu_others" /}}
149 More filters for individual searches.
150 {{/figure}}
152 More filters are provided for further refinement of the search:
154 * **(Un-)Read**
155 Only (un-)read form records will be displayed.
156 * **With/Without attachment**
157 Only form records with/without attachments will be displayed.
158 * **(Not) Saved**
159 Only form records that are (not) saved will be displayed.
160 * **(No) Double-Opt-In**
161 Only form records that are in the state //Waiting for Opt-In// will be displayed (see [[Double-Opt-In>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.DoubleOptIn.WebHome]] for configuration).
163 == Form record list ==
165 {{id name="inbox_list"/}}
166 {{figure image="inbox_list_default_marked_en.png"}}{{id name="fig_inbox_list_default_marked" /}}
167 The form record actions on the left side of the form record list header are displayed if any form records have been selected. General actions on the left side are always visible.{{/figure}}
170 {{html wiki="true"}}
171 <div class='xm-figure xm-float-right xm-clear-h2' data-alt='
172 The form record actions on the left side of the form record list header are displayed if any form records have been selected. General actions on the left side are always visible.'><div class='xm-figure-inner' style='width:310px'>{{lightbox image='inbox_list_default_marked_en.png' width='300' group='$height' group='$group' title='
173 The form record actions on the left side of the form record list header are displayed if any form records have been selected. General actions on the left side are always visible.'/}}<div class='xm-figure-caption'>{{id name="fig_inbox_list_default_marked" /}}
174 The form record actions on the left side of the form record list header are displayed if any form records have been selected. General actions on the left side are always visible.</div></div></div>
175 {{/html}}
178 All form records are displayed in the form record list depending on the [[set filters>>||anchor="filter_menu"]]. There are two different views of the form record list: the [[default view>>||anchor="inbox_list_default"]] and the [[project view>>||anchor="inbox_list_project"]]. The view can be changed in the [[filter menu>>||anchor="filter_menu_view"]].
179 Clicking on a form record in the form record list opens it in the [[review area>>||anchor="review_area"]]. If the review area is not visible, it will be opened by clicking on a form record. After opening a form record it will be marked as read and the font weight will be set from //bold// to //normal//. When filtering unread form records this record will be excluded. For marking a form record //unread// click the appropriate button {{icon name="envelope"/}} in the header of the form record list.
180 The form record list header consists of two button rows (see [[figure>>||anchor="fig_inbox_list_default_marked"]]). On the left are //form record actions// and on the right are //general actions//.
182 {{id name="form_record_actions"/}}
184 === Form record actions ===
186 Which form record actions will be displayed depends on the currently selected form records.
188 ==== {{ficon name="checkbox-marked-outline"/}} Select all form records ====
190 Selects all form records based on the currently [[set filters>>||anchor="filter_menu"]]. {{info}}This may take a while if there is a large number of form records within the list.{{/info}} This checkbox is always available.
192 ==== {{icon name="download"/}} Export ====
194 Exports all selected form records or all form records based on the currently [[set filters>>||anchor="filter_menu"]] if there are no form records selected.
196 For further information on form record export see [[Export>>||anchor="export"]].
198 ==== {{ficon name="action-move-inbox"/}} Move ====
200 {{figure image="inbox_move_en.png"}}
201 {{id name="fig_inbox_move" /}}
202 Moves the selected form records to a different inbox.
203 {{/figure}}
205 Clicking the move button (see [[figure>>||anchor="fig_inbox_move"]]) opens a dialog in which the desired inbox must be chosen. All selected form records will be moved to that inbox after confirming. Moving form records does not trigger any action of the workflow.
207 ==== {{icon name="envelope"/}}/{{icon name="envelope-open"/}} (Un-)Read ====
209 Clicking the //Read// or //Unread// button markes the selected form records as read or unread.
211 ==== {{ficon name="trash-alt2"/}} Delete ====
213 Clicking this button deletes the selected form records. This function is only available if all selected form records are deletable. A form record is deletable if the state, it is currently in, allows for it to be deleted. In the [[state configuration>>doc:Formcycle.Designer.Workflow.States.WebHome]] or [[access configuration>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Access.WebHome]] the option //Form records can be deleted// or //Form records deletable// needs to be activated in order for the form record to be deletable. If this is not the case the form record can not be deleted.
215 === General action ===
217 On the right side of the form record list header there are a number of //general actions// which are always available:
219 ==== {{ficon name="plus-circle-outline"/}} New form record ====
221 Opens up a menu through which existing forms may be called for submitting new form records.
223 ==== {{icon name="refresh"/}} Refresh ====
225 Refreshs the view.
227 ==== {{ficon name="view-rows"/}}/{{ficon name="view-columns"/}} Position of the review area ====
229 Toggles the position of the review area. The review area can be positioned at the right side or bottom of the window.
231 === Default view ===
233 {{id name="inbox_list_default"/}}
235 {{figure image="inbox_list_item_default_en.png"}}
236 {{id name="fig_inbox_list_item_default" /}}
237 A form record in the default view: Clicking the inbox (in blue) sets an [[inbox filter>>||anchor="filter_menu_inboxes"]]. The attachment page of the form record can be accessed directly be clicking the paperclip icon {{ficon name="paperclip-45" /}}.
238 {{/figure}}
241 {{html wiki="true"}}
242 <div class='xm-figure xm-float-right xm-clear-h2' data-alt='
243 A form record in the default view: Clicking the inbox (in blue) sets an inbox filter. The attachment page of the form record can be accessed directly be clicking the paperclip icon .'><div class='xm-figure-inner' style='width:310px'>{{lightbox image='inbox_list_item_default_en.png' width='300' group='$height' group='$group' title='
244 A form record in the default view: Clicking the inbox (in blue) sets an inbox filter. The attachment page of the form record can be accessed directly be clicking the paperclip icon .'/}}<div class='xm-figure-caption'>{{id name="fig_inbox_list_item_default" /}}
245 A form record in the default view: Clicking the inbox (in blue) sets an [[inbox filter>>||anchor="filter_menu_inboxes"]]. The attachment page of the form record can be accessed directly be clicking the paperclip icon {{ficon name="paperclip-45" /}}.</div></div></div>
246 {{/html}}
249 In contrast to the [[project views>>||anchor="inbox_list_project"]] and depending on the [[set filters>>||anchor="filter_menu"]], all form records are being displayed in the default view. Form records with attachments are marked by a paperclip icon {{ficon name="paperclip-45"/}} (see [[figure>>||anchor="fig_inbox_list_item_default"]]). Clicking the icon opens the [[attachment page>>||anchor="review_area_attachments"]] of the form record directly. Every record entry consists of the subject, submit date, state as well as the inbox (in blue, see [[figure>>||anchor="fig_inbox_list_item_default"]]). Clicking the inbox sets an [[inbox filter>>||anchor="filter_menu_inboxes"]].
252 {{id name="calendar-view"/}}
254 === Calendar view ===
256 The calendar view is available if [[schedules>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.Appointments.WebHome]] with booked appointments exist. In this view all booked appointments are displayed. Which schedules should be displayed can be set from the [[filter menu>>||anchor="filter_menu_appointment_templates"]].
258 === Project view ===
260 {{id name="inbox_list_project"/}}
262 {{figure image="inbox_project_view_en.png"}}
263 {{id name="fig_inbox_project_view" /}}
264 Form records in a project view. Project views can be displayed using the [[filter menu>>||anchor="filter_menu_view"]].
265 {{/figure}}
267 Project views are data table views which are available as soon as display columns have been configured for the form (see [[Form > Inbox>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Inbox.WebHome]]). The values of the configured form elements as well as additional form information will be displayed in the data table. Every column can be filtered and sorted. Form records containing attachments are marked by a paperclip icon {{ficon name="paperclip-45"/}} (see [[figure>>||anchor="fig_inbox_list_item_default"]]). Clicking the icon opens the [[attachment page>>||anchor="review_area_attachments"]] of the form record directly.
269 {{id name="export"/}}
271 == Export ==
273 Clicking //Export// {{icon name="download"/}} in the header of the form record list exports all selected form records or all form records based on the currently [[set filters>>||anchor="filter_menu"]] if there are no form records selected (see [[form record actions>>||anchor="form_record_actions"]]).
275 __Example:__
277 No form records are selected and filter is set to the inbox "Default inbox". Performing an export action will export all form records that are stored in the inbox "Default inbox". For exporting the form records of all inboxes the filter on "Default inbox" needs to be removed.
279 There are three different types of exporting form records:
281 === {{icon name="file-code-o"/}} XML ===
283 {{figure image="inbox_export_xml_en.png"}}
284 {{id name="fig_inbox_export_xml" /}}
285 XML-Export of selected form records: Optionally an XSL-Template may be selected for transforming the resulting XML file into the desired format (XSL-Templates can be defined under [[XSL transformation>>Formcycle.UserInterface.FilesAndTemplates.XSLTransformation.WebHome]]). Additionally meta data may be exported.
286 {{/figure}}
288 Form record data of all form elements will be exported flat in an XML structure.
290 {{code language="xml"}}
291 <xfc-data xfc-version="3.x.x" generation-date="yyyy-mm-dd TZ">
292 <processes>
293 <process process-uid="xxx" creation-date="yyyy-mm-dd TZ" project-name="yyy" status="zzz">
294 <form version="1">
295 <field name="elName">
296 <plainValue><![CDATA[Wert]]></plainValue>
297 <values count="1">
298 <value index="0"><![CDATA[]]></value>
299 </values>
300 <label><![CDATA[]]></label>
301 </field>
302 ...
303 </form>
304 <process ...>
305 </processes>
306 </xfc-data>
307 {{/code}}
309 Using an optional XSL template (see [[figure>>||anchor="fig_inbox_export_xml"]]) the exported XML can be transformed into the desired format. The appropriate template can be selected using the combobox. For further information on XSL templates look [[here>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.FilesAndTemplates.XSLTransformation]].
311 === {{icon name="file-excel-o"/}} Excel ===
313 {{figure image="inbox_export_excel_en.png"}}
314 {{id name="fig_inbox_export_excel" /}}
315 Excel export of the selected form records: Column names can be configured for every export. Additionally meta data may be exported.
316 {{/figure}}
318 All data will be exported to an Excel file. If form records of multiple forms have been selected than a new worksheet will be created for every form within the Excel file. All values of [[repeated form elements>>Formcycle.Designer.Form.ElementProperties.BaseProperties.WebHome]] will be put into the same cell, separated by commas. If this is not desired the export option //Excel (multiline)// is recommended.
319 The column names of the resulting Excel file may configured using the following options:
321 * **Name of the form element**
322 The element names that are used in the [[{{designer/}}>>doc:Formcycle.Designer.Form.ElementProperties.BaseProperties.WebHome]] will be used for the Excel columns (e.g.: tf1, sel1, ...).
323 * **Alias of the form element**
324 The element alias that is used in the [[{{designer/}}>>doc:Formcycle.Designer.Form.ElementProperties.BaseProperties.WebHome]] will be used for the Excel columns.
325 * **Column name of the data table**
326 The column names that have been set in the [[inbox configuration>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Inbox.WebHome]] will be used for the Excel columns. This selection is only available in the [[project views>>||anchor="inbox_list_project"]].
328 === {{icon name="file-excel-o"/}} Excel (multiline) ===
330 {{info}}This Option is not available in [[project views>>||anchor="inbox_list_project"]].{{/info}}
331 The export works the exact same way as the simple Excel export, except that the values of [[repeated form elements>>Formcycle.Designer.Form.ElementProperties.BaseProperties.WebHome]] will be put into separate rows.
333 === Export meta data (Optional) ===
335 Meta data may be exported additionally for every export type (see figure [[XML export>>||anchor="fig_inbox_export_xml"]]/[[Excel export>>||anchor="fig_inbox_export_excel"]]). The following fileds are available for export:
337 * **ID**
338 System ID of the form record.
339 * **Process ID**
340 Process ID of the form record.
341 * **Subject**
342 Subject of the form record.
343 * **Status**
344 Name of the state the form record is in at the time of export.
345 * **Inbox**
346 * Inbox in which the form record is located.
347 * **Date of receipt**
348 Date the form record was submitted/created.
349 * **Modification date**
350 Date of last change to the form record.
351 * **Form variables**
352 Configured [[Form variables>>doc:Formcycle.Designer.Form.CodingPanel.VariablesTab]] an their values.
353 * **Control fields**
354 Control fields of the form such as //xf-action//, which holds the name of the button used for submitting the form.
355 * **Meta data**
356 Date of export and used FORMCYCLE version.
358 == Review area ==
360 {{id name="review_area"/}}
361 {{figure image="inbox_review_area_en.png"}}{{id name="fig_inbox_review_area" /}}
362 The review area of the inbox can be split into a (1) //header// and (2) //content// part.{{/figure}}
365 {{html wiki="true"}}
366 <div class='xm-figure xm-float-right xm-clear-h2' data-alt='
367 The review area of the inbox can be split into a (1) header and (2) content part.'><div class='xm-figure-inner' style='width:310px'>{{lightbox image='inbox_review_area_en.png' width='300' group='$height' group='$group' title='
368 The review area of the inbox can be split into a (1) header and (2) content part.'/}}<div class='xm-figure-caption'>{{id name="fig_inbox_review_area" /}}
369 The review area of the inbox can be split into a (1) //header// and (2) //content// part.</div></div></div>
370 {{/html}}
373 Form records selected by a mouse click will be displayed in the review area of the inbox. Submitted form data can be reviewed here. Additionally a number of form record actions ma be performed. The review area consists of a //header// and //content// part (see [[figure>>||anchor="fig_inbox_review_area"]]).
375 {{id name="review_area_header"/}}
376 {{figure image="inbox_review_area_header_en.png"}}{{id name="fig_inbox_review_area_header" /}}
377 The header can be split into three rows: (1) //title row//, (2) //navigation row//, (3) //action row//.{{/figure}}
380 {{html wiki="true"}}
381 <div class='xm-figure xm-float-right xm-clear-h2' data-alt='
382 The header can be split into three rows: (1) title row, (2) navigation row, (3) action row.'><div class='xm-figure-inner' style='width:310px'>{{lightbox image='inbox_review_area_header_en.png' width='300' group='$height' group='$group' title='
383 The header can be split into three rows: (1) title row, (2) navigation row, (3) action row.'/}}<div class='xm-figure-caption'>{{id name="fig_inbox_review_area_header" /}}
384 The header can be split into three rows: (1) //title row//, (2) //navigation row//, (3) //action row//.</div></div></div>
385 {{/html}}
388 The header is used for navigating the selected form record and performing form record actions. It consists of a //title row//, a //navigation row// and an //action row//. Depending on the selection in the navigation row different aspects of the form record will be displayed in the //content area//. Also the available form record actions in the action row change depending on the selection in the navigation row.
390 === Title row ===
392 {{figure image="inbox_review_area_header_expanded_en.png"}}
393 {{id name="fig_inbox_review_area_header_expanded" /}}
394 Clicking the expand icon {{icon name="chevron-down"/}} reveals further form record information: //form name//, //form record ID//, //process ID//, //review link//, //state//.
395 {{/figure}}
397 {{figure image="inbox_review_area_header_pages_en.png"}}
398 {{id name="fig_inbox_review_area_header_pages" /}}
399 All form pages can be accessed by clicking the expand icon {{icon name="chevron-down"/}} at the right side of the page tab.
400 {{/figure}}
402 The title row provides meta information about the form record. To the left is the form record subject in bold. To the right there are three buttons:
404 * **{{icon name="chevron-down"/}} Details**
405 Expands the title row to reveal further meta information about the form record (see [[figure>>||anchor="fig_inbox_review_area_header_expanded"]]).
406 * **{{ficon name="open-in-new"/}} Open in new tab**
407 Opens the current form record in a new tab.
408 * **{{ficon name="close-circle-outline"/}} Close**
409 Closes the review area.
411 === Navigation row ===
413 {{figure image="inbox_review_area_attachments_en.png"}}
414 The attachment area of a form record is divided into form upload attachments and workflow attachments. Attachments with a size of 0 Byte will be marked red.
415 {{/figure}}
418 {{html wiki="true"}}
419 <div class='xm-figure xm-float-right xm-clear-h2' data-alt='The attachment area of a form record is divided into form upload attachments and workflow attachments. Attachments with a size of 0 Byte will be marked red.'><div class='xm-figure-inner' style='width:310px'>{{lightbox image='inbox_review_area_attachments_en.png' width='300' group='$height' group='$group' title='The attachment area of a form record is divided into form upload attachments and workflow attachments. Attachments with a size of 0 Byte will be marked red.'/}}<div class='xm-figure-caption'>The attachment area of a form record is divided into form upload attachments and workflow attachments. Attachments with a size of 0 Byte will be marked red.</div></div></div>
420 {{/html}}
423 {{id name="fig_inbox_review_area_attachments"/}}
426 The navigation row provides a number of tabs for displaying different aspects of the form record. Depending on the selected navigation tab the available actions in the action row change as well as the displayed information in the content area.
428 * **{{ficon name="XPage"/}} Form page**
429 Clicking this tab shows the filled out form. If the selected form consists of multiple pages the user can access in the current state, than an expand icon {{icon name="chevron-down"/}} appears on the right side of this tab. Different form pages can be accessed by clicking the icon. It is also possible to show all pages at once (see [[figure>>||anchor="fig_inbox_review_area_header_pages"]]).
430 {{info}}In some case not all pages should be displayed when clicking //All pages//. To allow this it is possible to set the attribute //force_summary_hiden// in the [[Designer>>Formcycle.Designer.Form.WebHome]] for elements that should be hidden.{{/info}}
431 This tab provides the following form record actions:
432 ** [[Trigger custom event>>||anchor="review_action_state_change"]]
433 ** {{icon name="save"/}} [[Save>>||anchor="review_action_save"]]
434 ** {{ficon name="trash-alt2"/}} [[Delete>>||anchor="review_action_delete"]]
435 ** {{ficon name="action-change-status"/}} [[Advanced options>>||anchor="review_action_advanced"]]
436 * **{{ficon name="table-large"/}} Datatable**
437 The submitted form record data will be displayed in a data table.
438 * **{{ficon name="history"/}} History**
439 Shows the protocol entries (history) of the current form record. State changes, executed actions, attached files, etc. will be logged and displayed here. This tab provides the following form record actions:
440 ** {{ficon name="plus-circle-outline"/}} [[Add entry>>||anchor="review_action_add_protocol_entry"]]
441 * **{{ficon name="paperclip-45"/}} Attachments**{{id name="review_area_attachments"/}}
442 If the form record contains attachments this tab will be displayed and allows access to the form record attachments. The attachment area of a form record is divided into form upload attachments and workflow attachments. Form uploads are attached via [[upload elements>>doc:Formcycle.Designer.Form.FormElements.Upload]] of a form. Workflow attachments will be generated through workflow processing actions. Attachments with a size of 0 Byte will be marked red.
443 ** {{ficon name="checkbox-marked-outline"/}} (De-)Selectionof all attachments
444 ** {{icon name="download"/}} [[Download>>||anchor="review_action_download_attach"]]
445 ** {{ficon name="trash-alt2"/}} [[Delete attachments>>||anchor="review_action_delete_attach"]]
447 === Action row ===
449 * **Trigger custom event**{{id name="review_action_state_change"/}}
450 Once one or more custom events exist in the workflow, it is possible to execute a custom event manually.
451 * **{{icon name="save"/}} Save**{{id name="review_action_save"/}}
452 Saves changes to the form data.
453 * **{{ficon name="trash-alt2"/}} Delete**{{id name="review_action_delete"/}}
454 Deletes the form record and closes the review area. Form records can only be deleted if the are in a state the allows for it (see [[access configuration>>Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Access.WebHome]]).
455 * **{{ficon name="action-change-status"/}} Advanced options**{{id name="review_action_advanced"/}}
456 Opens up a dialog which allows for advanced form record changes:
457 ** //Correct form data//: Saves all changes to the form data with the option of (not) validating the form.
458 ** //Initiate workflow event//: [[A custom workflow event >>doc:Formcycle.Designer.Workflow.Events.Custom]]can be selected for manual execution.
459 * **{{ficon name="plus-circle-outline"/}} Add entry**{{id name="review_action_add_protocol_entry"/}}
460 Opens up a dialog for adding protocol entries to the form record history. It is also possible to select additional files which will be attached to the form record.
461 * **{{icon name="download"/}} Download attachments**{{id name="review_action_download_attach"/}}
462 Downloads the selected attachments.
463 * **{{ficon name="trash-alt2"/}} Delete attachments**{{id name="review_action_delete_attach"/}}
464 Deletes the selected attachments.