
Interface IPluginFormPreRespond

Use cases

  • Displaying a blank response page
  • Retrieving the response page from another web service

When multiple pre-response page plugins are installed, their order of execution is arbitrary. You should not rely on a certain fixed order.

Pre-response page plugins are run for all forms of the client they belong to, or for all existing forms when installed as a system plugin. We recommend you check whether the plugin should be executed for the current form, for example by defining a plugin property containing a list of allowed forms.

Placement of the PreRespond plug-in in the process chain of Xima® Formcycle

Method signatures

IPluginFormPreRespondRetVal execute(IPluginFormPreRespondParams params) throws FCPluginException

Passed value

The IPluginFormPreRespondParams type provides access to the following properties:

  • current project
  • current process
  • current version of the form with access to all contained form elements and their passed values
  • session parameters
  • current user context in order to be able to perform database operations, for example.

Return values

The return value must be of type IPluginFormPreRespondRetVal. A reference implementation is provided by the class PluginGenericFormProcessingRetVal,
which expects a boolean flag during initialisation. If this has the value true, further processing is continued in Xima® Formcycle. If false, processing is aborted.