Wiki source code of Fehlermeldungen

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jdr 8.1 1 These error messages are available in each client under the main navigation point "Files & Templates > [[HTML>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.FilesAndTemplates.HTML.WebHome]]".
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jdr 8.1 3 {{figure image="error_messages_en.png" width="200"}}
4 There are several errors that may occur when a user submit a form. You can view or edit the corresponding error message in the {{smallcaps}}Html{{/smallcaps}} template menu.
nlo 1.1 5 {{/figure}}
7 {{table dataTypeAlpha="0" preSort="0-asc" width="800"}}
jdr 8.1 8 |=Template name for the error message|=Description
9 |Allgemeiner Fehler / General Error|General error when no more specific message exists.
10 |Anmeldung erforderlich / Authorization required |The form is protected and available only to certain [[user groups>>Formcycle.UserInterface.UserSettings.UserGroups]]. Check whether the current [[user>>Formcycle.UserInterface.UserSettings.User]] belongs to the [[user group>>Formcycle.UserInterface.UserSettings.UserGroups]]. Change or review the user groups in the [[access settings>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Access]].
11 |Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen / Authentication failed|The form is protected and the login failed. (Not used currently.)
12 |Autorisierung fehlgeschalgen / Authorization failed|The form is protected and available only to certain [[user groups>>Formcycle.UserInterface.UserSettings.UserGroups]]. The current [[user>>Formcycle.UserInterface.UserSettings.User]] does not belongs to the [[user group>>Formcycle.UserInterface.UserSettings.UserGroups]].
13 |BOT erkannt / BOT detected|A bot has been detected.
14 |Datei Upload Größe überschritten / File upload size exceeded|This error occurs when [[form upload elements>>Formcycle.Designer.Form.FormElements.Upload]] exceed the maximum file size.
15 |Datensatz nicht gefunden / Data not found|No data could be found for the specified identifier. This may occur when uploaded attachments are not found or were deleted.
16 |Double-Opt-In Überprüfung fehlgeschlagen / Double opt-in verification failed|An error occured while trying to verify the [[Double opt-in>>Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.DoubleOptIn]] by accessing the verification link. This can happen if the confirmation has already been made earlier, or the link is no longer valid.
17 |Fehler bei Einmalabsendung / One time submission error|The form uses a [[one-time submission ID>>Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Access||anchor="duplicate_data_sets"]] for avoiding duplicate data sets and a submitted form with the given ID already exists.
18 |Ressource nicht gefunden / Resource not found|The form could not be found. This may occur, for example, when the form was deleted.
19 |Ressource offline / Resource offline|The form has not been [[made available>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Access]].
20 |Senden fehlgeschlagen / Sending failed|The form could not be submitted, for example when an error occurred during a workflow action.
21 |Ungültige Formulardaten / Invalid Data|Invalid data was submitted, such as an incorrect mail address.
22 |Ungültiger Doppel-POST / Invalid double POST|The user can click on the submit button only once. Reload the form to submit it again.
23 |Ungültiger Request / Bad Request|Invalid request, including invalid attachments, non-existing form versions, or attempts to access protected servlets.
nlo 1.1 24 {{/table}}