Email server

The user interface for editing the mail server settings. Other than some general connection settings you can also change how supoprt request emails are sent.
When a global mail server was configured and a client did not specify their own mail server, the global mail server is used for that client. Otherwise, the mail server of the client is used. When no global mail server was configured, sending emails is disabled for the entire system.

This menu lets you setup a global mail server. A mail server is required to sent emails. Sending emails may be necessary for certain functionality such as sending a user their login details. The mail server settings consists of three sections.

Base settings

Here you can find settings required to establish a connection to the mail server.

Use mail server
When the global mail server is disabled, no emails can be sent, event when a client-specific mail server exists.
Mail server
The address to the mail server.
The port on which the mail server listens. The default port for Smtp is 25.
Sender address
The address of the sender. This address is used for emails sent by the system, such as sending a user their login details. This address can be seen in the sent emails.
Sender name
The name of the sender. This name is used for emails sent by the system, such as sending a user their login details. This name can be seen in the sent emails.

If you would like to check whether you entered the email server settings correctly, you can use the button send mail to send a test email to any given email address.


Here you can find settings required to secure the connection to the mail server.

Sign in required
Check this option if the email server requires authentication.
The username to access the mail server.
The password for the given username.
The type of encryption the mail server expects.


Here you can find some settings related to support requests.

Mail address for support requests
The email address to which support requests are sent.
Allow client-specific support address
When activated, a client is allowed to change the email address for support requests.
Attach system information to support requests
When activated, certain system details are attached to support requests. This includes information such as license data, the software version and more. It may help the support team to process support requests in a timely manner.