Wiki source code of WebDAV-Verbindungen

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1 {{content/}}
3 {{info}}This feature requires an appropriate license.{{/info}}
5 {{version major="7" minor="1" /}} This feature is available starting with {{formcycle/}} version 7.1.
7 The WebDAV connections menu lets you configure connections globally and reuse them later. For example, users can later select a WebDAV connection in the workflow action [[Save to WebDAV server>>doc:Formcycle.Designer.Workflow.Actions.SaveToWebDAV]] without having to be aware of the connection details.
9 {{figure image="webdav_overview_en.png" clear="h1"}}
10 {{id name="fix_webdav_overview"/}}
11 Creating a WebDAV connection in {{formcycle/}}. (1) On the left is a list of existing WebDAV connections. (2) On the right, users can configure the selected WebDAV connection.
12 {{/figure}}
14 == Create WebDAV connection ==
16 * Open the "WebDAV connections" module and click on the "new" button {{ficon name="plus-circle-outline"/}} in the list header.
17 * Assign any alias and an optional description.
18 * The following data is required for the WebDAV connection itself:
20 ; WebDAV Server URL
21 : This consists of protocol, server, port and path.
22 ; Read timeout
23 : Timeout in seconds for establishing a connection to the WebDAV server.
24 ; Connection timeout
25 : Timeout in seconds for reading data from the WebDAV server (maximum time allowed between two data packets).
26 ; User name
27 : User name for the WebDAV server.
28 ; Password
29 : Password for the WebDAV server.
31 === WebDAV server URL ===
33 ; Protocol
34 : Currently, //HTTP// (unencrypted) and //HTTPS// (encrypted) are available. If the WebDAV server supports it, the use of //HTTPS// is recommended.
35 ; Server
36 : The address of your WebDAV provider. A path can already be attached here so that later only access to this directory and subdirectories is possible.
37 ; Port
38 : By default, port 80 is used for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS. If different, this must be specified here.
39 ; Path
40 : Specify a subfolder to be used here.
43 After the WebDAV connection has been created, it appears in the left-hand panel (list) of the connections.
45 {{info}}
46 The server usually has the following structure:
48 {{code language="none"}}
49 <subdomain>.<hostname>.<top-level>
50 {{/code}}
52 However, some providers allow WebDAV access only in certain substructures. In addition, the HTTP PUT method must be supported. If you are unsure, please contact your provider.
53 {{/info}}
56 {{info}}
57 The characters reserved in URLs must be [[percent encoded>>]], otherwise they will be replaced by an "_" (underscore).
58 {{/info}}
60 == Test WebDAV connection ==
62 You can aslo check whether the entered connection data is valid. Click on the "Test Connection" button to check whether a connection to the WebDAV server can be established. If successful, all existing folders and files are displayed at the bottom.
64 {{figure image="webdav_path_en.png" clear="h1"}}
65 {{id name="fix_webdav_path"/}}
66 All available folders and files are shown when connection test was successful . Here a distinction is made between folders, which can be expanded, and files with different icons.
67 {{/figure}}