Jun 24 2022

Please use version 7.0.15.
When W3C mode is enabled, a DIV element is now created for form elements of type text instead of a SPAN element. When you have custom JavaScript or CSS code that selects SPAN elements directly, you may have to adjust that code.


  • When create a blank PDF or Word document from a form, the options of a select element are displayed as checkboxes. The indentation of these checkboxes was removed, they now align with the remainder of the document.


  • Fixed an error that occurred when a form was copied and OracleDB was used.
  • Malware plugins can now be used with frontend servers. 
  • Dates and times are localized properly in the response page after booking an appointment via an appointment picker
  • The title in the browser tab with a form designer now always displays the correct name of the opened form.
  • The name and alias input fields in the designer do not allow inputs longer than 255 characters anymore. Using longer names was not possible in previous versions either and resulted in an error when the form was saved.
  • When multiple form stores with URLs that share the same origin are used, importing a form resulted in the form getting imported multiple times. This was fixed.
  • The previous 7.0.13 release introduced added a server side validation feature that rejects data from form elements that are disabled or unavailable due to a state or user group condition. This resulted in issues when the form contains multiple form elements with the same name but conflicting conditions. The behavior was changed so that data is rejected only when all form fields with the same name are disabled or unavailable.
  • Fixed small issues regarding W3C conformity (applies only when W3C mode is enabled)
    • The attribute autocomplete is now set only when that attribute is allowed on the element.
    • Previously, a SPAN element was created for form elements of type text. Starting with version 7.0.14, a DIV element is created instead. This allows block elements such as heading (H1, H2, etc) to be used in a W3C conforming manner.
  • Small fixes in the backend UI.
