Database query

User interface for actions of type Database query.

Actions of type Database query allows to execute a SQL query. For this purpose, a connection must have been previously created in Database Administration. Placeholders can be used within the query, for example to insert form data into the query. So-called prepared statements are generated, so that SQL injection is not possible.


Database query details

Use configured DB query?
If this option is selected, a DB query preconfigured in the backend can be selected. Additionally, details about the query will be displayed.
Database connection, which was preconfigured in the administration.
SQL statement
Text field for the SQL statement.

Action variables

Actions of type Database query provide Action variables which can be used in subsequent actions.

Standard action variables

[%$<action name>.SUCCESS%]
Return whether action was successfully executed. Returns Boolean (true/false).
[%$<action name>.RESULT%]
Return all results provided by the action in structured form.
[%$<action name>.ERROR_CODE%]
The error code thrown in case of an error in the action. Empty if no error occurred.
[%$<action name>.ERROR_MESSAGE%]
The thrown error message in the action's error case. Empty if no error occurred.

Action specific action variables

[%$<action name>.RESULT.rows[i]['key']%]
A JSON array containing the results of the SQL statement. Each entry in the JSON array is a JSON object, where the key corresponds to the database column name. The index i starts with 0.
[%$<action name>.RESULT.updateCount%]
For an update statement: the number of affected rows in the database. Otherwise, the value is always 0.


The entered statement is executed as Prepared-Statement, so that no so-called SQL-Injection is possible. Therefore do not use quotation marks.


INSERT INTO test_table (firstname, lastname) values ([%tffirstname%], [%tfname%])


INSERT INTO test_table (firstname, lastname) values ('[%tffirstname%]', '[%tfname%]')