Queue custom event

Configuration interface for actions of type Queue custom event.

This endpoint allows to process the actions of a custom event. It can be specified whether the actions should be executed immediately, or only after other waiting events have been processed.


Event to invoke
Selection of a custom event already existing in the current workflow, which will be triggered after the endpoint has been reached.
Run only after pending processing chains have finished
If this option is enabled, the selected event will be triggered only after the processing of the other processing chains has been completed.

Action variables

Actions of type Queue custom event provide Action variables which can be used in subsequent actions.

Standard action variables

[%$<action name>.SUCCESS%]
Return whether action was successfully executed. Returns Boolean (true/false).
[%$<action name>.RESULT%]
Return all results provided by the action in structured form.
[%$<action name>.ERROR_CODE%]
The error code thrown in case of an error in the action. Empty if no error occurred.
[%$<action name>.ERROR_MESSAGE%]
The thrown error message in the action's error case. Empty if no error occurred.

Action specific action variables

Error message returned if the processing chain referenced by the workflow event could not be executed or the workflow event could not be found.