Das Plugin stellt ein neues Widget im Designer zur Verfügung, welches es erlaubt, auf einfache Art Mathematische Berechnungen auszuführen. Das Widget erzeugt ein gesperrtes Eingabefeld, welches zur Ausgabe des Ergebnisses dient. In den Eigenschaften dieses Eingabefelds, kann eine Formel mit Feldplatzhaltern wie z.B. ([%tf1%] + [%tf2%]) / 1.19 eingegeben werden. Zusätzlich können Schriftfarbe und Ausgabeformat für das Ergebnis festgelegt werden.
Das Plugin kann als Mandant-Plugin oder System-Plugin installiert werden. Eine Anleitung zur Installation von Plugins finden Sie hier.
An Widgets dieses Typs können die folgenden Eigenschaften konfiguriert werden:
Basic settings for Basic properties
The basic properties name, width and hidden are available for all form elements.
Name | Description |
Element | You can change an element's type via the drop down menu. For example, you could change a single input field into a multi line input field (textarea). The element types that are available depend on the original element type. Container and fieldsets cannot be changed into other form elements. |
Name | Technical name of the elements. Only letters and numbers are allowed. The name is used, for example, to refer to the form field during workflow processing. To change the name and update the references to this form element at the same time the Rename form elements function should be used. |
Alias | An alternative technichal name that may contain any character. |
Width | The width of the form element, relative to other elements in the same row. For example, when you place three elements next to each other in the same row and set their widths to 10, 10 und 30, they will take up 20% (=10/(10+10+30)), 20%, and 60% of the entire width of the row, respectively. |
Hidden | When enabled, the form element is hidden and will not be visible to the user. If you wish to hide or show the element dynamically, depending on the value of another element, use the hidden if condition or a JavaScript function such as jQuery.fn.visible. |
Disabled | When enabled, the value of the form element cannot be edited. Also, the value will not be transmitted to the server when the user submits the form. For text input fields you can optionally decide whether you want to transmit the value when the form is submitted. |
Repeat | When enabled, the user can create an arbitrary amount of repetition (copies) of the element. This is useful, for example, when the user needs to enter one or more email addresses. Please note that repeated elements cannot be nested: A container or fieldset that is repeated cannot contain elements that are also repeated. |
Min repetitions | Minimum number of repetition that must exist. When this limit is reached, the user cannot delete any more repetitions. This limit is also the initial number of repeated elements that are displayed when the form is opened for the first time. |
Max repetitions | Maximumer of allowed repetitions. When this limit is reached, the user cannot add anymore more repetitions. |
Repeat trigger | When an element is selected, the value of that element determines how many repetitions are created. For example: A select element or input field lets the user enter the number of children they have. A fieldset with the personal data of a child is marked as repeated, and its trigger is set to the select or input field. Now, when the user changes the number of children, the appropriate number of fieldsets are created automatically. |
Hide buttons | Available only when a repeat trigger was set. When enabled, the plus and minus buttons for adding and removing elements are hidden. This is useful when the number of repetitions should depend only on the value of another field and the user should not be able to alter the number of repetitions directly. |
When a form is submitted, the entered data is transmitted as key value pairs (element name value. The name must contain only letters and number. You can use the name of an element as form variables during workflow processing to refer to the transmitted values. The name is also used when sending the submitted data to other system via an interface. Sometimes, when you need to integrate external third-party system into FORMCYCLE, the external system may require a particular name for a form field, which may include special character. In this case, you can use the alias name, which allows all special characters to be entered.
When an alias was set, you can use that alias instead of the orignal name to refer to the form field.
If form elements are simply renamed, parts of the JavaScript or form workflow may no longer work correctly because they reference the form element by its name. By clicking on the pencil icon next to the form element name, the form element can be renamed, updating all references to the form element at the same time. You can select where to search for references to the form element:
- in the JavaScript area of the form
- in the CSS area of the form
- in JavaScript form files
- in CSS form files
- in the workflow of the form
- for elements on the property "Value"
- for elements on the property "Buttons"
- for elements on the property "Options"
If a reference is found in the selected areas, it will be updated with the new name.
You need to pay special attention to JavaScript code. Common ways of referencing a form element are taken care of. The name in usual selectors such as $('[name="tfEmail"]') is replaced with the new name. However, uncommon selectors such as document.getElementByName("tfEmail") are not replaced.
Moreover, please note that it is not possible, even in principle, to replace all references in a complex programming language such as JavaScript. For example, the name may be be taken from a variable, from a computation or from an external data source: ["EMail", "Vorname", "Nachname"].forEach(name => $(`[name="tf${name}"]`).clear()). Such cases require you to adjust the JavaScript manually. If you have forms with complex JavaScript code, you should always evaluate the effects of renaming a form element beforehand.
This form elements does not possess any additional settings for the section Basic properties.
Basic settings for Style
For Xima® Formcycle versions up to 6.3.2, the properties described here are still located in the Base properties section.
The properties available here are used to configure the visibility of the form element. The basic property Hidden is available to each form element. The properties Disabled and Repeat as well as the properties dependent on them are only available for form element types where they are useful.
Name | Beschreibung |
hidden | When checked, the form field will be hidden initially. To show it again, the option visible if can be used, or a Javascript function such as jQuery.fn.visible. |
disabled | When checked, the content of the form field cannot be edited. |
Repeat | When this option is activated, the user can freely create any number of copies (repetitions) of this form element. For example, this can be used to let the user enter one or multiple email addresses. Please note that you cannot nest repeated elements: if a container is marked as repeated, none of its containing elements can be repeated. |
Min. repeat | Minimum number of allowed repetitions. When this limit is reached, the user cannot delete any more repeated elements. This is also the inital number of repetitions when the form is opened. |
Max. repeat | Maximum number of allowed repetitions. When this limit is reached, the user cannot add any more repeated elements. |
Repeat trigger | When an element is selected here: The number of repeated elements is automatically set to the value of the selected element. For example: Assume there is a select element or input element that lets the user enter number of children in their household. Also assume there is a fieldset for entering some data of these children. The fieldset is marked as repeated, and the select or input element is set as the repetition trigger. Now when the user enters how many children they have got, fieldsets are removed or created automatically so that there is always one fieldset for each child. |
Hide buttons | Available only when an element was selected for Repeat trigger. Enable this option to hide the plus and minus buttons for adding and removing repeated elements. Use this option when the number of repeated elements should be controlled only by trigger. |
This form element possesses the following additional properties for the section Style.
Name | Beschreibung |
Ausgabeformat | Durch Anwählen dieser Option kann die Ausgabe (wenn es sich um eine Zahl handelt) mit Eigenschaften aus der Autonumeric-Javascript-Bibliothek formatiert werden. Wenn diese Option gewählt ist, werden die Eigenschaften Ausrichtung der Einheit, Dezimalstellen, Tausendertrennzeichen, Dezimaltrennzeichen und Einheit konfigurierbar. |
Ausrichtung der Einheit | Legt die Position der Einheit fest. Es kann zwischen Rechts vom Wert und Links vom Wert gewählt werden. Nur sichtbar, wenn die Option Ausgabeformat angewählt wurde. |
Dezimalstellen | Anzahl der Nachkommastellen, die immer sichtbar sind. Wenn dieses Feld sichtbar ist, muss es zwingend befüllt werden, da das Berechnungs-Widget ansonsten funktionsunfähig ist. Nur sichtbar, wenn die Option Ausgabeformat angewählt wurde. Standardwert: 2 |
Tausendertrennzeichen | Optionales Zeichen, welches bei der Ausgabe der Zahlenwerte zwischen Tausenderstellen eingefügt wird. Nur sichtbar, wenn die Option Ausgabeformat angewählt wurde. Standardwert: . |
Dezimaltrennzeichen | Zeichen, welches bei der Ausgabe der Zahlenwerte zwischen Vor- und Nachkommastellen eingefügt wird. Wenn dieses Feld sichtbar ist, muss es zwingend befüllt werden, da das Berechnungs-Widget ansonsten funktionsunfähig ist. Nur sichtbar, wenn die Option Ausgabeformat angewählt wurde. Standardwert: , |
Einheit | Optionales Zeichen bzw. optionale Zwischenkette, welche zusätzlich zum Wert im Feld angezeigt wird. Die Position kann mir der Eigenschaft Ausrichtung der Einheit festgelegt werden. Nur sichtbar, wenn die Option Ausgabeformat angewählt wurde. |
Farbänderung | Das Anwählen dieser Option erlaubt es, die Schriftfarbe für positive und negative Zahlen festzulegen. Wenn diese Option gewählt ist, werden die Eigenschaften Positive Farbe und Negative Farbe konfigurierbar. Für Zahlenwerte, welche Null entsprechen und Texte erfolgt keine Farbänderung. |
Positive Farbe | Über eine vorgegebene Auswahl von Farben oder einen Colorpicker kann hier die Farbe bestimmt werden, mit der der im Feld sichtbare wert angezeigt werden soll, wenn es sich um eine positive Zahl handelt. Nur sichtbar, wenn die Option Farbänderung angewählt wurde. |
Negative Farbe | Über eine vorgegebene Auswahl von Farben oder einen Colorpicker kann hier die Farbe bestimmt werden, mit der der im Feld sichtbare wert angezeigt werden soll, wenn es sich um eine negative Zahl handelt. Nur sichtbar, wenn die Option Farbänderung angewählt wurde. |
Basic settings for Label
This property defines the label text of an element. A label is the text above, below or to the right or left of an element. Not every element has got this property.
Name | Beschreibung |
Label | Value of the label. This is the text that is displayed next to the element. |
Alignment | Specifies the position (left, right, above, below) of the label. |
Width (in px) | Distance between label and the element. Applies only when the alignment is set to left. |
Placeholder | Placeholder text, applies only to input fields. |
Title | Tooltip of the item (the HTML title attribute). |
Unit | Text that after an element. Usually this is used for units, such EURO or km. |
This form elements does not possess any additional settings for the section Label.
Die in diesem Bereich vorhandenen Eigenschaften dienen dazu, die Art der Berechnung und die für die Berechnung zu verwendende Formel festzulegen.
Name | Beschreibung |
Berechnungsfeld | In dieses nicht mit einem Label benannte Feld kann ein Berechnungsformel eingegeben werden, welche bei jeder Wertänderung von einem der in der Berechnungsformel verwendeten Eingabelemente erneut ausgeführt wird. Als Syntax wird JavaScript verwendet. Für das Ermitteln der zu verwendenden Werte von anderen Eingabelementen können neben jQuery-Selektoren auch Xima® Formcycle Platzhalter verwendet werden. |
Feldwerte | Hier kann ausgewählt werden, mit welchem Datentypen die Feldwerte behandelt werden sollen. Entwerder soll für jeden Feldwert automatisch ermittelt, welcher Datentyp der er hat oder es sollen alle Feldwerte als Text gelesen werden. Letzteres ist zum Verketten von Strings sinnvoll. Jedoch sind damit Berechnungen (z.B. [%tf1%] - [%tf2%]) ausgeschlossen. |
Leere Felder | Hier kann ausgewählt werden, was passieren soll, wenn ein Formularelement keinen Wert hat. Entweder wird es wie die Zahl 0 behandlelt oder wie leerer Text. Bei nummerischen Berechnungen sollte der Wert in der Regel wie die Zahl 0 behandelt werden. |
Reihenfolge Index | Diese Option ist nur in Ausnahmefällen notwendig. Standardmäßig werden die Felder automatisch in der Reihenfolge abgearbeitet, wie es die Formeln vorgeben. Falls die automatisch erkannte Reihenfolge einmal nicht korrekt sein sollte, kann eine Indexzahl vergeben werden. Wenn in wenigstens einem Formelfeld ein Index gesetzt ist, ist die Reihenfolge der Abarbeitung wie folgt: Zuerst werden alle Berechnungenfelder mit einem Index abgearbeitet, wobei vom niedrigsten Indexwert zum größten Indexwert vorgegangen wird. Anschließend werden alle Berechnungen ohne einen Index ausgeführt, entsprechend den normalen Regeln (von oben nach unten und von links nach rechts). |
Basic settings for Constraints
The constraints panel contains options to check the value of form fields, when form fields should be visible and when they can be edited. Some constraints are available only for some element, see the list of element..
Name | Description |
hidden if | Hides the form fieldm when a certain conditions is satisfied. |
visible if | Makes a form field that has been hidden visible again, when a certain condition is satisfied. |
read-only if | Locks a form field and disallows any input, when a certain condition is satisfied. |
editable if | Make a form field that has been set to read-only editable again, when a certain condition is satisfied. |
required | When this option is activated, a value must be entered for the form field. Conditions set under required if are ignored when this option is activated. |
required if | Marks a form field as a required field, when a certain condition is satisfied. |
required group | Available only when the form field is a required field. Specifies the required group the form field should belong to. When two or more form fields belong to the same group, at least one of these form fields needs to be filled out, all other fields may remain empty. 7.2.0+ When using a user-defined formula as a condition, this option has no function. No server-side validation can be performed in this case. |
You can change a form field's visibility and read-only state depending on the value of another form element.
7.2.0+ You can also choose formula, which lets you enter a custom formular with your own logic. That formula may reference more than one form element. Please note the following:
- The formular must be a valid JavaScript expression, e.g. $("[name='tfFirstName']").val() === "John".
- JavaScript statements cannot be used, e.g. var x = $("[name='tfFirstName']").val() ; x === "John" will not work.
- If still necessary, you can wrap statements in an IIFE (immediately invoked function expression): (function(){var x = $("[name='tfFirstName']").val() ; return x === "John"})()
- You can use form variables to access form values more easily. The variable is replaced with a JavaScript value container the value of the form element. For example: [%tfFirstName%]==="John"
- If the value represents a valid floating point number, the placeholder is replaced with a JavaScript number value, e.g.: [%tf1%]+[%tf2%] < 10 (Sum of both fields < 10). Otherwise, the value is replaced with a JavaScript string, e.g.: [%tf1%].toUpperCase() === "JOHN" (Field equals "John", case insensitive).
- The value depends on the type of form element:
- For checkboxes, the value when checked is used, as entered in the form designer (default: on).
- For input fields and text areas, the value as entered by the user is used.
- For select elements displayed as combo boxes or list boxes, the technical value of the selected option is used.
- For select elements displayed as checkboxes or radio buttons, the sum of all technical values of all selected options is used. This applies to select elements displayed as questions as well.
- For upload elements, the file name of the selected fle is used.
- For appointment pickers, the date and time as shown by the appoinment picker is used.
- You can also use other variables such as system variables: e.g. [%$PROJECT_TITLE%] === "My form".
- NO server validation is performed for custom formulas, even if that option is enabled for a form element.
Once you have selected a form element, the following conditions are available for the options hidden if, visible if, read-only if, editable if, and required if:
- has a value
- has no value
- equals
- not equals
- lower than
- lower equal than
- greater than
- greater equal than
- between
- regular expression
You can also select elements with the element picker to the right. Click on the hand-shaped icon and then on the element you would like to use. This comes in handy when editing forms with many form fields.
Condition | Description |
has a value / has no value | The conditions evaluates to true when the value of the form field is (not) empty. In particular, having a value mean the following for different form elements: - for a checkbox, that the checkbox is not checked.
- for a selection, that some option other than Please select an option has been selected. When the selection field is displayed as a combo box, the first option will be selected by default, unless the selection is a required field, in which case the option Please select an option will be selected by default.
- for an input field, that at least one character has been entered.
equals | The condition evaluates to true when the value of the form field equals the given value. Comparisons are case-sensitive. |
not equals | The condition evaluates to true when the value of the form field does not equal the given value. Comparisons are case-sensitive. |
lower than / lower or equal than | The condition evaluates to true when the value is lower (or equal) than the specified value. |
greater than / greater or equal than | The condition evaluates to true when the value is greater (or equal) than the specified value. |
between | The condition evaluates to true when the value is between the specified range, inclusively. The interval must be entered with a dash (-), for example 2-10. Negative numbers must be enclosed in parentheses, eg. (-10) - (- 5). |
regexp | The condition evaluates to true when the value matches the specified regexp. |
For the properties hidden if and read-only if, you may choose whether the form field should be cleared or reset automatically when the form field ist hidden or disabled. Clearing a form field means that its value is removed, eg. deleting the entered text for an input field or unchecking all checkboxes for a select field. Resetting a form field, on the other hand, refers to changing its value back to the original or initial value it had when the form was openend. In case the form was opened for the first time and not submitted yet, the original value is the value as set in the Xima® Formcycle Designer. Otherwise, when the form was already submitted and is opened in the inbox, the original value is the most recently submitted (saved) value.
For example, consider the case of entering an address. The user can choose between a physical address and a post-office box, and only one input field is visible depending on the user's choice. When the form is submitted, a value should be send only for one of both fields. By selecting the empty automatically options, the input field post-office box will be cleared automatically when the user selects a physical address.
When an element is cleared or reset, all the elements it contains are cleared or reset as well. This applies to form elements of type page, container, and fieldset.
This form elements does not possess any additional settings for the section Constraints.
Basic settings for Help
This feature allows you to add an explanation or help text to a form element. By default, the help text is empty. Once you enter a help text, you will see a help icon appear next to the form element. When the user hovers over the help icon with the mouse, the help text is shown as an overlay.
To change the design of the help icon or the overlay bubble, create your own CSS theme.
This form elements does not possess any additional settings for the section Help.
Basic settings for CSS classes
7.0.11+ This property lets you select one or many CSS classes for an element. You can enter any class name you want, and you do not have do include a dot at the beginning (an initial dot is supported for backwards compatibility). In addition, classes defined in CSS files are suggested as autocomplete suggestions. You can add classes to the form element itself, and you can also add classes to the div container of the form element.
CSS classes on the input element are added directly to the HTML input element. This is the same behavior as in previous versions when you added CSS classes to an element.
CSS classes configured for the container, on the other hand, are added to the HTML container element which contains the input element. This is a new feature introduced in 7.0.13. It makes it possible, for example, to style the label of a form element, which is located in the same container as the input element.
Until 7.0.10+ : The available CSS classes are read from the CSS in the CSS tab and from the selected CSS theme. When you select or deselect a class, the changes are applied immediately and any layout or design changes are visible in the form. You can also filter the available classes by using the filter at the end of the list.
This form elements does not possess any additional settings for the section CSS classes.
Basic settings for Attributes
Arbitrary custom HTML attributes are deprecated. HTML5 defines so-called data- attributes that can be used to store custom data in HTML elements. For example, it is ok to use the attributes data-price or data-serial-id, but you should not use attributes such as price or serialId.
The panel attributes lets you add custom attributes to the corresponding HTML elements of each form element. You can access them with JavaScript later, or add existing HTML attributes such as the attribute type for <input> elements.
To add an HTML attribute, just enter the name and the value of the attribute into one of the columns. A new, empty column will be added automatically.
Click on the icon to the left to delete an attribute.
If you want to add custom data to an element, use the prefix data- for the name. Additionally, the attribute name should contain no uppercase letters and use dashes to separate words. For example, data-serial-version is a good data attribute, dataSerialVersion is not. When accessing these attributes via JavaScript, remove the dashes and capitalize the first letter of each word.
Assuming the attribute data-serial-version was set to 1aFXc for the element tfSerialVer, you can access this data as follows:
const serialVersion = $("[name='tfSerialVer']").data("serialVersion");
console.log("Serial version is:" , serialVersion);
This form elements does not possess any additional settings for the section Attributes.
Basic settings for Available only if
The property Available only if controls whether elements are displayed or not depending on the current state or user.
Note that when an element is not available, it is never rendered and will not be present anywhere in the HTML. This means that users cannot see the form field or its current data even if they take a look at the source code of the form.
When only one state or a user group is selected, the form element is displayed only when the form is in the selected state or viewed by a user of the selected user group. For each state and user group there is also the opposite option to display a form element only when it is not in the selected state or not viewed by the selected user group. For example, when you want display a form element only when a user fills out the form for the first time, you can select the option no state.
If both a state and a user group are selected, the form element is displayed only when the form is both in the selected state as well as opened by a user belonging to one of the selected user groups.
The selection no state means that the form was opened for the first time and not submitted yet.
This form elements does not possess any additional settings for the section Available only if.
Basic settings for Other
You can add a comment for internal use that will not appear anywhere in the form.
This form elements does not possess any additional settings for the section Other.
Druckbild im Word-/PDF-Export
Wenn ein Formular per Word-/PDF-Export exportiert wird, sieht das Widget wie ein normales, auf Readonly geschaltetes, Eingabefeld aus.
Formel | Erklärung |
[%tf1%] - [%tf2%] $('[name=tf1]').val() - $('[name=tf2]').val() | Subtraktion der Werte in den Eingabefeldern tf1 und tf2 einmal unter Verwendung von Passwörtern und einmal mittels jQuery-Selektoren |
[%tf2%] * (1 + ([%tf1%] / 100)) | Wird in tf1 z.B. der Steuersatz und in tf2 der Nettobetrag eingegeben, wird der Bruttobetrag berechnet |
[%tf1%] + " " + [%tf2%] | Stringverkettung aus den Eingaben in den Eingabefeldern tf1 und tf2 |
[%tf1%].length | Anzahl der eigegebenen Zeichen im Eingabefeld tf1 |
([%tf1%]<2) ? "Genehmigt" : "Abgelehnt" | Wenn der Wert in tf1 kleiner als 2 ist, soll "Genehmigt" ausgegeben werden. Ansonsten "Abgelehnt". |
$('[data-org-name=tf1]').sum() (neue Schreibweise bei W3C konformen Modus) | Beispiel für Berechnen der Summe von wiederholten Elementen mit dem Namen tf1. Für wiederholte Elemente und Elemente innerhalb von wiederholten Containern und Fieldsets muss ein normaler JavaScript-Selektor oder wie in diesem Beispiel ein jQuery-Selektor verwendet werden. |
Ein Demo-Beispiel zu den erwähnten Möglichkeiten finden Sie hier.
Mögliche CSS-Anpassungen
Um die Ausgabe zu formatieren, können per CSS Anpassungen vorgenommen werden. Wenn zum Beispiel die Ausgabe anstatt einem gesperrten Eingabefeld wie ein Text aussehen soll, kann folgender CSS-Code verwendet werden:
.CXFormula .label-top{
display: none;
border: none !important;
background: none !important;
padding: 0;
- Fix: Ungeklammerte Kommaausdrücke im JavaScript einer Formel werden nun unterstützt
- Verbesserte Fehlermeldung in der Konsole, wenn eine Formel syntaktisch ungültig ist.
- Feature: Es kann nun ausgewählt werden, ob die Datentypen der Feldwerte automatisch ermittelt werden sollen oder ob die Feldwerte immer als Text gelesen werden sollen. Bisher wurden sie immer automatisch ermittelt.
- Verbesserung der Performance beim Auswerten der Formeln.
- Erfordert mindestens Xima® Formcycle Version 7.2.0.
- Auch nicht Formel-Platzhalter in der Formel werden ersetzt
- Das Eingabfeld für die Formel passt sich in der Höhe automatisch seinem Inhalt an.
- Das Eingabfeld für die Formel erlaubt die Eingabe von Zeilenumbrüchen.
- Bei Änderungen des Werts eines Formelfelds wird das JQuery-Ereignis change ausgelöst.
- Der this-Kontext innerhalb des Formel-JavaScript-Ausdrucks wird nun auf die JQuery-Instanz des Formelfelds gesetzt, dessen Formel evaluiert wird.
- Fix: Formeln, welche von einem Element abhängen, welches über eine Bedingung versteckt oder gesperrt geschalten und geleert wird, aktualisieren sich, wenn die abängigen Elemente geleert werden.
- Feature: Validationsattribute wie etwa Pflichtfeld, maximaler Wert und minimaler Wert sind nun auch am Berechnungsfeld verfügbar. Damit kann etwa einfach geprüft werden, ob die Summe von Elementen einen bestimmten Wert nicht überschreitet.
- Fix: Beim Auführen einer Formel wird das Symbol "$" and "xm_jq()" gebunden, wenn verfügbar. Dies vermeidet Probleme, wenn das Formular in einer Drittseite eingebettet ist und die Drittseite das global "$" anders definiert.
- Fix: Es wird "xm_jq()" verwendet, wenn verfügbar. Dies behebt Problem bei der Einbindung in Drittseiten, wenn die Drittseite eine andere JQuery-Bibliothek lädt.
- Change: Verhalten für Checkbox-Elemente geändert: Bei Nutzung von Platzhalter ist Wert nun der am Element hinterlegte Werte (z.B. on), statt immer 0 oder 1.
- Change: Für Auswahlelemente mit der Darstellung "Radiobutton" ist bei Nutzung von Platzhaltern der Wert nun der Wert der ausgewählten Option, nicht mehr die Anzahl der ausgewählten Optionen.
- Change: Für Auswahlelemente mit der Darstellung "Checkbox" ist bei Nutzung von Platzhaltern der Wert nun die Summe der Werte aller ausgewählten Optionen (falls alle Werte nummerisch sind) oder die String-Konkatenation der Werte aller ausgewählten Optionen (wenn nicht alle Werte nummerisch sind), nicht mehr die Anzahl der ausgewählten Optionen.
- Fix: Titel- und Platzhalter-Attribute werden korrekt kodiert, wenn das Berechnungsfeld erzeugt wird.
- Performanz beim Auswerten von Formeln verbessert
- Feature: Platzhalterauswahl im Editor hinzugefügt.
- Fix: Kleinere Darstellungsfehler behoben
- Feature: Berechnungsfelder können nun initial gesperrt und als Mussfeld geschalten werden.
- Fix: XSS-Angriffe verhindern
- Fix: Abarbeitungsreihenfolge der Berechnungsfelder angepasst, sodass nun problemlos in der Formel eines Berechnungsfeldes, Platzhalter für andere Berechnungselemente genutzt werden können.
- Attribut data-name hinzugefügt (W3C-Konformität)
- Initialer Release für die Version 7