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Download 7.4.0 TODO
- Previously, you could already use certain types of placeholders in database and LDAP queries. Now you can also make use of user placeholders such as [] or []. If a database or LDAP query is initiated via AJAX from a web form, it is important to send the current ID of the form session via the frid parameter for this to work. The code editor offers a code template for database and LDAP queries which already contains this parameter.
- In the appointment management menu, you can now enter a custom subject and description, which is used for the events in the ICAL calendar file for an appointment. You can also enter placeholders can be used here, including placeholders for I18N variables.
- When you choose a data source (e.g. database or LDAP query) for the options of a select element, you can now also configure a column for the title of each option, in addition to the display label and value of the option. When the select element is displayed as a list of checkboxes or radio buttons, the title is shown to the user when they hover over an option with the mouse.
- In previous FORMCYCLE versions, the values of all columns from a data source were always added to the select element as data attributes (e.g. data-col0, data-col1). Now you can deactivate this behavior so that such attributes are not generated any longer. This may be useful in case the data source contains sensitive data you do not want to make public.
- For each appointment, you can enable the ICAL URL which contains all booked appointments and can be imported into mail clients or calendar applications. This ICAL calendar now includes the fields X-PUBLISHED-TTL and REFRESH-INTERVAL. This makes it easier for mail programs and calendar applications to decide how often they should check for updates. Currently, this value is set to 1 hour.
- The menu System -> Server information now also list the Malware scan directory, which is used to store uploaded files temporarily when the system performs a malware scan.
- When you add a condition to a form element (e.g. hidden-if), you can already enter a custom formula such as [%tf1%] == "Test". Starting with FORMCYCLE 7.4.0, this formula can now access the JQuery instance of the current element via the this context. This is especially useful for repeated elements, when you want to access the current element repetition or another element within the same repeated container. For example, if both tf1 and sel1 are form fields within a repeated container fs1, then you can use the formula this.closest(".dynamic-row").find("[data-org-name='sel1']").val() === "5" for tf1 in order to check whether the corresponding select field from the repeated container sel1 has a value equal to 5.
- Form export files with a manually created state that was named Received can now be imported correctly again.
- Various small bug fixes and security improvements.
- External users from an OpenID Connect identity provider can now log in to web forms again even when they open the form on a frontend server.
- The automatic upload feature for upload elements works correctly again even when forms are integrated via AJAX into a third-party page.
- When a form contains an appointment picker and server-side validation was enabled for any element, the selected appointment got cleared in case the form was submitted with invalid data and the server rejected the form submission. This has been fixed now so that the selected appointment remains selected.
- When an element is repeated, you can defined a repeat trigger such as a text field that controls the number of repetition. When a new repetition is added, the value of the repeat trigger text field is updated, and vice-versa: When a different number is entered in the repeat trigger field, new repetitions are added or existing repetitions are removed to reflect the new value of the repeat trigger. In the latter case, when new repetitions were added, the initial state of conditions such as hidden-if for the new repetition were sometimes not evaluated correctly.
- Affects select elements for which the autocomplete option is enabled:
- FORMCYCLE generates an <input> element in addition to the <select> element. The name of the <input> element contains the suffix _autocomplete. (e.g. sel1_autocomplete), but the data-name attribute did not. This was fixed so that the data-name now also contains the derived name with the suffix.
- Since FORMCYCLE 7.0., when a condition references an autocomplete element, the text as entered into the input field was erroneously used instead of the option value. For forms in multiple languages, this could not work. This was fixed so that the option value is now used. To preserver backwards compatibility, a new option was added to the form designer that can be found in the properties panel to the right, at the bottom of the Form tab in the advanced section: Use option text for conditions referencing an autocomplete element. For existing forms, this option is enabled; for new forms, this option is disabled. We recommend that you keep this option disabled and do not enable it.
- Fixed a bug where the CSS classes of the most recently selected element was applied to all selected elements. This bug only occurred when multiple elements were selected at the same time.
- The setting for the W3C compliant mode now defaults to disabled for old forms again. It is still enabled by default for new forms.
- The dialog for loading unsaved changes is now closed again after you press a button.
- When executing an HTTP request action and the server responds with a redirect (HTTP header: Redirect) and the redirect is a relative URL, that URL is now resolved against the request URL. This is the correct as specified by RFC 7231. Previously the URL was not resolved at all.
- There is also a new option that lets you choose how to resolve relative URLs: against the request URL, against a custom URL, or not at all.
- You can now access the data of the current form request session ("FRQSession" ) within plugins of type IPluginFormPreRender, IPluginFormPrePersist, IPluginFormPreProcess, IPluginFormPreResponse as well as in workflow action plugins and possibly also placeholder plugin. Furthermore, you can also write values back to the FRQ session via the return value of IPluginFormPreRender, IPluginFormPrePersist, IPluginFormPreProcess, IPluginFormPreResponse, and workflow action plugins.
- Plugins of type IPluginFormPreRender are usually only executed when a form is opened via the /form/provide URL. Now you can opt-in to have your plugin get executed in other situations as well, such as when opening a form in the inbox or when printing a form via the print services. To do so, override the shouldExecute method of the IPluginFormPreRender plugin.